The Gift Ceremony (Last Part)

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(the Pic of camilo is how he looks at you¬‿¬

Last sentence from last chapter:
But I couldn't get my eyes of y/n

Disclamers: swearing

That's all enjoy)

Y/n's pov:

<Why is camilo staring at me like I'm a f*cking puppy opening it's eyes the first time?!
Calm down y/n, just ignore him.>

I calm myself down, and look at the curtains. Gosh, I have missed this place.

After Abuela announced the ceremony, and all that boring magical speech. Why did I like it so much as an kid, it's boring and is taking away time!

The currents opened and a small figure stood there, scared or nervous.

He reminded me of Camilo.

He held out his tiny hand to another person behind the wall. But I couldn't see them, I was too far away.

But after he and the person argued for a while. Someone came out into the light. They looked like-


I was kind of happy to see her, but also really shocked. Why, you ask? Well lemme tell you. SHE'S SO F*CKING TALL!

<Now I need another nickname for her...>

I thought while sighing quietly.

It seems that both, Antonio and Mirabel are nervous. I can understand Antonio, but Mirabel?

Why would she be nervous? Is she scared that Antonio doesn't get an gift?

3rd person's pov:

After Antonio and Mirabel walked up the stairs, Mirabel let go of Antonio's hand and walked out of the way.

Abuela Said her speach quietly to Antonio and asked him if he would use his gift to help the town's people.

After Antonio nodded, he stood infront of his glowing door. He hesitated to open his door. But once he did, a Toucan landed on Antonio's Shoulder.

It seams that Antonio and The Toucan are having an conversation. Antonio said that he could understand the Toucan.

(after all the door thing and everybody went inside Antonio's room to party)

Y/n's pov:

I tried finding Mirabel, it's really hard finding someone when there's a whole town in one room.

When I finally found her, I tried to scare her. "BOO!" I yelled jumping at her.

"What the hell?!" she screamed back.
"Why would you-" she cut herself off her own words. "N/N!" she yelled hugging me.

"Hola, Uhh tall cup?" I said.

<man I just can't with her height>

She smirked at me "Who's the tall one now, huh?" she asked playfully.

"yea, yea, it's you. can you let me go now?" I said kinda annoyed.

Once she let go off me, she quickly turned from her happy face to a depressed face.

"what's wrong?" I asked worried.

"nothing... It's just I still don't know why I didn't get an gift..." she sighs.

"well I dunno too, but let's go outside and get some fresh air. Okey?" I try to cheer her up.

Mirabel looked at me with an hopeful smile. "sure"

But before me and Mirabel could go out of Antonio's room, Camilo screams "Hey y/n! Can you come here for a second?"

I look at Mirabel with an 'im sorry' expression. She just smiled and said. "it's alright. I'll be outside, you come when you can." then she goes out.

Camilo's pov:

After I yelled at y/n to come over, he talked to someone and then came over to me and Antonio.

"I want you to meet my little brother Antonio." i said with an smile.

Antonio looked at y/n for a while then he said "Hi!"

"AWWH, you're such an cute little guy!" y/n bows down to Antonio's level and pets his head.

"here, I have something for you." He said while searching something in his pockets.

He took out an folded peace of papper, and gave it to Antonio.
Antonio unfolded it right away.

Antonio unfolded it right away

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(I spend hours on this TvT)

I'm shocked... I didn't know y/n could draw that good.

" I didn't know your gift would be anything with animals. But I thought that maybe you would like it." y/n said nervous.

"This is the best present I have ever gotteb!" Antonio said hugging y/n.
"thank you." he added.

"you're welcome little Amigo." Y/n said back to Antonio.

After Antonio and y/n hugged, Mirabel came into the room and yelled.


to be continued...

(753 words

thank you for reading this ^^
I hope you liked this part of the chapter the next chapter will be out tomorrow

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