Chapter20: Where Are You? (Easter Edition)

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(Disclamers: swearing


Camilo's pov:

I woke up from something bright shinning onto my Eyelids blinding my closed eyes. (if that makes sense)

I opened up my eyes to find myself laying on top of my boyfriend, [Y/n].
Then I looked around us, everything was still the same.

I tried to wake up [y/n] but he refused and turned his back on me. "Wake up, [y/n]! We gotta clean this mess up!" I said to him.

"and with 'we' I mean you." I added. He finally woke up after I jumped on his side. "¿¡QUÉ DIABLOS!?" he screamed.

"oops... Sorry Mi Amor. I Hope I didn't break anything" I laughed nervously while scratching the back of my head.

"you better not." [y/n] said. "or ima break your handsome face, dipshit" he sat up, hissing a bit from the pain in his side.

"Oke, now we are going to clean this up." he pointed at me and them himself. I nodded and began to put all the food back inside the basked that was standing on the side of the blanked we slept on.

While I did that, [y/n] folded the two blankets and put them on top of the Cushion.

I took the blankets and the cushion and put them inside the basked and then I grabbed the radio and layed it on top of everything.

"you wanna eat at the casita?" I asked, looking at [y/n] . He nodded his head 'yes'. "sure, Your Tía makes the best food so why should I miss this?" he laughed.

When we arrived at the casita, the door opened and we said hello to the casita. We went inside and 'straight' to the kitchen.

"Buenos días, Señora Julieta and Pépa." [y/n] greeted my Tía and my Mamá,i did the same after.

"Buenos días, you two." my Mamá said. "how was your sleepover?" she asked us, coming closer.

"it was awesome!" I said, smiling. "yea, what he said." [y/n] laughed.

My Mamá laughed and had an rainbow above her head. I looked at my Mamá's stomach she was rubbing, while sitting on a chair, and tilted my head a bit. "Mamí, why's your stomach so big?" asked making her stop laughing.

"are you calling me fat?" she asked with an death stare. "Of course not. I just asked, jeez" I yelped making [y/n] laugh. "[y/n], could I talk to you in private please?" My mamá asked.

[Y/n] nodded and went over to her while I walked to my Tía Julieta.

[Y/n]'s pov:

I went over to Señora Pépa and sat down on a chair beside her. "what do you need, Señora?" I asked her.

"Well, as you can see, my stomach has been growing and me and Félix decided to tell everyone that I'm pregnant. They all have been worried about me." she explained.

"that's good I guess. But why do you need my help with that?" I asked her again.

A cloud started to from above her head. "I get nervous about things like that. I know it's my 4th time being pregnant but still!" she started to explain really fast.

<now I know from who Dolores got that fast talking>

Before I could try to comfort Señora Pépa, I heard camilo Screem. I quickly shot my head towards the sound and saw camilo holding his hand.

He seemed to notice that I was looking at him and let out an embarrassed and/or nervous laugh.

"I'm fine, sorry. Hehe" he said rubbing his neck.

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