Chapter 4: An Awfully Great Night

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(Heya and welcome to another chapter :D

Last words from the last chapter:

Disclamers: swearing, teasing

The vidoe above is what I always hear on repeat while I write this story so maybe you'll like it
(⊃。 •́‿•̀。 )⊃

And that's it for today enjoy)

Y/n's pov:

After Mirabel came into the room and screamed that the casita is in danger, she panicked even more and tried finding Abuela.

Abuela came out of the crowed with an worried face. "what do you mean by 'the casita is in dnager'?" she asked.

Mirabel then explained something with cracks in the walls and floors. And that the candle is almost out.

After Mirabel explained I could feel a tiny hand grabbing onto my shirt, tightly.

When I looked down I saw Antonio, scared, I bowed down to his height and took him into a hug.

I stocked his hair like I did when Camilo was scared or nervous.

After he seemed to calm down I let go and went outside, because everybody went outside to see if Mirabel was telling the truth.

After I went outside the casita was normal with no cracks at all. Abuela was telling everybody that everythings fine and that the magic is strong,and she said something about the drink.

Everybody went inside except me, I went to Mirabel.

"Can you tell me what you saw?" I asked.

She looked at me confused. "you won't believe me anyway, so why trying?" she sounds sad.

"Y'know, I can help, if you mean that the magic is fading then we need to do something! So tell me what you saw." I protested.

She told me everything she saw, the cracks, the candle almost going out, and that the doors began to flicker.

"hm," I started "I don't know much about your Familia's magic, but I think it means at least something."

I thought for a moment.

"have you tried talking to the casita? Maybe it knows what happend."

"no I haven't, but that's a good idea!"
She cleared her throat.
"casita? Do you know about the cracks?" she asked the casita.

The casita just clamped with the Tile in response.

"that means it doesn't know.." Mirabel explains.

There was an awkward silence between us. Until I spoke

"you know what? Maybe we can do something tomorrow. You have fun, I'm going back to Antonio's room. Cya." I went back to the party.

I stood in the corner, trying not to get in somebody's way. Until Abuela came to me.

"Hola y/n, it's been a while hasn't it?" she said with a smile.

"Hola Señora Abuela" I greeted her.
"please call me Alma, it is my name after all." she seemed happy, but also nervous.

"Oh, Okey. Well how are you?" I asked, to not have an awkward moment with her.

"I'm doing just fine, I'm happy that Antonio has an gift." she smiled turning to where Antonio and an Tiger stands.

"that's good to hear."

<she acts like she just cares about the gift>

I thought. "well I have to go, I'm getting sleepy and my mother is waiting for me at home." I said nervous. I don't know why but I don't trust her anymore.

"that's fine, have a good night"

"you too." I put on a nervous smile. Once I got out of Antonio's room, and out of the casita.

I said bye to the casita, but Before I could take another step someone was grabbing my hand. It was camilo.

Camilo's pov:

I saw y/n walking out of the room after talking to Abuela. I followed him out of the casita, and took his hand.

"what the hell?! Camilo!" he said playfully.

"where are ya going, Amor?" I asked.
He went red like a tomato.

I didn't know why, until I realized what I've said.

"I-I sorry! I didn't mean to call you that!" I stuttered.

"it's fine" he said. "but I have to go home, I'm tried." he smiled and looked at me. That's where I could see his face in the light from the casita.

He has e/c eyes, h/c hair, and bags under his eyes like he couldn't sleep for I don't know how long.

"are you Okey? You have the biggest bags under your eyes, you Look like a panda" I joked.

"yes I'm fine, I couldn't sleep for the last few months that's all," he smiled.

" could you let go of me now?" he asked while laughing.

"o-oh yea, sorry" I apologize.

"it's fine, but now I really need to go."
He turned around and tried to leave.

Until I took his shoulder and turned him around. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran inside.

I could feel my face burning up.

"why did I do that?! I'm so dumb!" I whisper to myself.

My sister Dolores came up to me and smirked. "very smooth, Cami, very smooth" she teased.

"please don't say that you heard what I've said to him." I said to her, probably looking like a blushing mess.

"Okey I won't tell you, but you know I did" she smirked even more.

"how about we make a deal? You clean my room for, let's say 3 weeks, and I won't tell anyone about this."

<oh hell no, she didn't>

"1 week and we have a deal" I sighed.

"deal" she giggled and went to her room, properly to make it extra messy for me.

<yay, I'm so excited to clean her room>

I thought Sarcastically.

<what a night, ima go to bed...>

Y/n's pov:


I cupped my cheek with my hand, I could feel the redness on my face.

I quickly got home and went to my room, I wasn't hungry anyway. Plus mamá was asleep, and I didn't want towake her up.

I put on my pj's and plopped on my bed to go to sleep.

But I couldn't stop thinking about Camilo. His dark brown curly hair, His emerald eyes, and his cute little Freckles across his cheeks and nose.

Until I eventually fell asleep.

<Dios mío, I think I'm inlove...>

(1068 words ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ

Heya I hoped you liked this chapter, maybe I'll post the next one today.

Anyways goodbye have a great day/noon/night.


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