Chapter 15: Mission Hug Isabela!

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(Disclamers: swearing


Y/n's pov:

Mirabel opened Isabelas door and knocked on the frame. "Isa?" mirabel screamed. "Heeeeey!... I know we had our issues.." she continued.

"issues? Really?" I whispered at Mirabel. She gave me an death stare.
"But I'm.... Ready to be a.. Better sister.... To you!" Mirabel added walking around the room. I followed her.

<maybe I should really stop following this crazy shit>

"so we should just... Hug?" Mirabel said. I crossed my arms and sat down on the ground watching what will happen.

"let's hug it out!... Huh?" Mirabel suggested. After mirabel said her Thing, Isabelas bed came flying down with Isabela on it.

"hug it... Out?" She asked herself.
"Luisa can't lift an empanada." she said looking at an flower before taking it in her hand. "Mariano's nose looks like an smashed papaya" Then she smashed the flower in her hand.

She turned to look at Mirabel and threw away the smashed flower. "Have you lost your mind!?" she screamed.

After she had screamed she looked behind Mirabel and saw that I saw there sitting on the ground.

"Oh, y/n. I didn't see you there. Why are you sitting on the ground?" Isabela asked me.

I stood up and walked to Mirabel's side. "I.. uhh was hanung out with Mirabel. And she had the sudden urge to hug you for some reason. So she dragged me here to watch." I explained with an nervous smile.

"uh huh." she said, then looked back at Mirabel. "Isa.. I feel like you're upset..." Mirabel said walking towards Isabela. "you know what cures being upset? An embrace"

Isabela grew some Roots to stop Mirabel to even get close to Isabela.

"get out, Mirabel! Y/n can stay if he likes but not you!" Isabela said standing up and pointing at her door.

Then she threw an flower in Mirabel's face. "everything was perfect! Abuela was happy. The Familia was happy. You wanna be a better sister?" Isabela explained, walking towards me and mirabela.

"apologize! For ruining my life!" she demanded. "go on!" Isabela said. "apologize" she then whispered.

Mirabel looked at me,I just shrugged, And she looked back at Isabela with an disgusted face. "I... Am... Sssorry!"

I face-palmed and Isabel semmed to have seen it and looked back at Mirabel. "hm?" she said smirking.

That's when Mirabel snapped. "that your life is sooo great!"

<Mirabel you stoopid fuck!>

"out!" Isabela said while roots re pushing Mirabel to the door. "wait!" mirabel said.

"fine! I apologize!" she said before hitting an vase with her face. I looked away so I wouldn't feel the pain she's in now. Mirabel tried to hold onto the Vase. "I wasn't trying to ruin your life."

She stood up but got pulled back on the ground by the roots. I looked at Mirabel and mouthed 'don't you dare!'

"some of us have bigger problems you selfish-" Isabela gasped at Mirabel calling her selfish.

<and she dared>

"-entitled princess!" Mirabel added.
"selfish!? I've been stuck being perfect my whole entire life!" Isabela grew some flowers underneath Mirabel's face hitting her.

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