Chapter16: Before Dinner

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(Heya guys! So I know how much ya'll like bruno so I'll give ya some little alone time with your friendly childhood Papá 🙂

And after that Félix will spill some tea to you 😌🍵

Disclamers: none(this time)


Y/n's pov:

Once everyone were gone every madrigal, except Bruno, started to set the table. Me and bruno wanted to help but they didn't let us so We where sitting on the stairs.

"So, how was the city?" Bruno tried to start an conversation with me, but still was nervous. Can't blame him tho,he didn't had human contact for the last 10 years.

"It was pretty loud. But I kinda liked it? I mean I could make paintings from random people and gift it to them. But some of the people actually gave me money even though I insisted them not to." I giggled looking at the Tale of the new casita.

"That's nice." he smiled. Then it was silent again. "Hey, have you seen your new room yet?" I asked looking at him.

He shook his head. "Then it's about time! I put much effort into the set up and decorations!" I laughed, standing up and pulling Bruno's hand.

He giggled and stood up to follow me. "It's on the same spot where it was in the old casita but we left out the stairs infront of it, because you're family didn't want to seem like they're cutting you off" I explained to him.

He seemed to listen sense he was so silent behind me. We reached his door. "Come on. Open it!" I said stepping away for him to reach his door. He looked at me and then back at the door.

Finally he opened it and walked inside, I quickly walked behind him and closed the door.

Everywhere were green lights made from green Fireflys in glass pots, that are hanging from the ceiling

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Everywhere were green lights made from green Fireflys in glass pots, that are hanging from the ceiling.
In the middle of the room there was an big green carpet on the ground.

On the carpet there was an Hourglass.
And on the right side of the room there was an 'rat area' for all his rat friends he had made in the wall.

"do you like it?" I asked kneeling down a little bit to see his face. That's when I realized he was the same hight as Camilo so I didn't have to kneel down too much.

(literally bruno is the same hight as Camilo

Like, look:

Like, look:

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"if I like it?" he shook his head. "I love it! Thank you y/n!" he said, smiling at me. I smiled bakc at him "do you want me to show you everything?" I asked. Bruno nodded and I started at his desk. "So that's nothing special. Just an desk with photos of your Familia apove it." I said pointing at the desk on the left.

Then I pointed at his bed. "Your beds sheets has the same pattern like your ruana. Same with the carpet underneath it." He smiled, looking at his bed and the carpet.

I then pointed at the rat area on our right. "And that's the rat area. That's just an desk with set ups for your rats. And of course your set up for your Telenovelas" I said pointing at the stage he had made in the walls. Some rats came from an hole in the wall (that we made on purpose) and crawled up the desks leg and onto the desk. It crawled up the stage and willingly put his head through an hole of the cardboards bruno made for his Telenovelas.

"Oh, and then behind this door there's  your normal tower." I said. Bruno watched the rat moving its head around and didn't really pay attention to what I was saying.

"Okey, ima go now. I'll get you if the foods done. Bruno waved with his right hand and didn't even look up.

I shrugged it off and went downstairs.
I heard some whispers from the one of the rooms. I couldn't tell which one exactly but soon enough I heard someone yell, "Just do it already!" I jumped and looked into the direction where that yelling came from.

"Y/n, there you are!" Someone said behind me. I turned around to see Señor Félix walking towards me. "Oh, Hola Señor Félix." I waved at him.

Soon he stood infront of me with an big smile on his face. "So, does bruno like his new room?" he asked looking down at me. I shook my head. "He doesn't like it, he loves it. Now he's watching his rats play" I said smiling.

"That's great! But I need to ask you something." He said pulling me in the direction of the stairs. He stooped when we were under the stairs.

"So, what is it?" I asked tilting my head. "Can you Sew stuff?" I tillted my head in confusion. "I don't know... I guess so? I watched my Mamá sew before, and I'm an quick learner." I said.

"Good, good. Can you see me and little planked?" He asked. Now I'm more than confused. Why would an grown ass Man need an little planked?

"I think I can. Why?" I asked in response. He looked to his right an left before looking at me again. "Okey, I'll tell you something but you can't tell anyone. Understood?" I nooded my head.

"but what about Dolores?" I asked. "she's in her room. We made it soundproof so she can't hear anything from the outside." he said.

"anyways, So after this morning pépa didn't felt so good. So she went to the bathroom and suddenly she puked," he explained. "And after this party today she went to the bathroom again and came out with and cloud over her head. So I asked what's wrong and she held up an pregnancy test... And the rest is self explainable." he said constantly looking to his left and right.

"That's great!" I said to him smiling. "I'll sew you the best planked you'll ever have seen!"

"Thanks, Amigo." Félix said putting an hand on my shoulder. "Of course!"
"oh, and I need to tell you an secret."

"what is it?" I asked. "A certain  someone of the madrigals has an crush on you." he said smiling.

"I know." I smiled and walked away.
Soon Señora Julieta told everybody that it's time to eat. And after we all sat down Alma stood up.

(1132 words

Heya guys, hope ya liked this chapter. I don't have much to say and ima make this quick bc I really have to go to school 😅

I can't thank ya'll enough for all the love and support I get from you.💕💕 I really love ya'll.

Have a good day/noon/night

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