Chapter19: First Date

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(I made this fanart 🙂☝️ it doesn't have anything to do with this chapter but I thought it looked cool so I added it

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(I made this fanart 🙂☝️ it doesn't have anything to do with this chapter but I thought it looked cool so I added it.

Hey guys, gals and my non-binary pals, sorry that I kept you watin' 😅

I had a lot to do with school and I also have to practice playing the guitar.

Don't play the song till I say ya can so ya'll will have an great time 👍

It's 2 minutes past midnight🗿👌

Disclamers: swearing, kissing(probably a make out)

Enjoy and have a good (and probably lonely) valentine)

Y/n's pov:

After I cleaned The house, I went to the kitchen to get me an popsicle. I was suddenly burning outside.

<I hope Señora Pépa's alright>

I thought to myself while sucking on the popsicle.

(stop thinking dirty. I see can see you writing that damn comment about it 🤨📸)

I went to my room, grabbed an book, went back to the kitchen and jumped on the counter and sat there, reading and sucking on my (F/C) popsicle.

('(F/C)' = favorite color)

a few minutes late I had finished the popsicle and threw away the wooden pieces the popsicle was attached to.

then I went to my room and wanted to start drawing, but them I heard an knock on my door.

I smiled and (literally) jumped down the stairs. I opened the door to see Camilo with a little Bouquet of sunflowers. He also had an big and nervous smile on his face.

"Hola, CamCam" I greeted him with an smile. "Hola...y/n" she stuttered. The fact that he stuttered made me laugh.

I opened the door wider open and walked aside so he can get in. When Camilo was inside I closed the door.

"these are for you, mi Amor" he said, handing me the Bouquet meanwhile he looked away to hide his, now dark red, face.

(⚠️a little make out⚠️)

I gently put the Bouquet in an vase full of water and placed my lips on his. He grabbed my torso and pulled me to his body. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

Then Camilo grabbed the back of my head to deepen the kiss. after some while of our making out, we pulled apart to catch our breath.

we looked at each other and I started to laugh a little, making Camilo chuckle. "I wanna show you something." Camilo said suddenly.

(if you want to wear an ruana then read this if not then ignore this part)

"M'kay, just let my get my ruana" I said walking up to my room and putting on my (f/c) ruana.

ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵐʸ  𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧  |Camilo x MaleWhere stories live. Discover now