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Lee Yongbok
sunshinelix • Instagram
6:40 AM

friends? what exactly do you

Like... social interaction with people
who are more than an acquaintance?

no i know what friends are

but what do you mean by what is it like?
don't you have friends?

i know its your first time talking online,
but dont you have people you talk to irl?

What does "irl" mean?

in real life


Well no. I've never been given the
privilege to participate in social
interaction with people of my age
group. But I've seen scenarios of such
in books that I've read :). (Actual
story books that I was gifted occasionally
and genuinely enjoyed because they
entailed things other than science!)

I've always wondered if things were so
fun and enjoyable "irl" ;). Like I remember
this one time I read a book where this one
boy had a friend group, and out of the four
of them, there was only one girl. And he liked
that girl. It was so nice, it made me wonder
how it felt to like someone, or what
liking someone leads to.

But when my parents found me to focussed
on it and not enough on my school work,
they looked it up to analyze the content, and
then they took it away before I could
finish :/

So that's why I was wondering, what's it
like having friends in the real world?

oh um... im sorry to hear that?

nobody deserves that... im
sorry that you have to live like this

and to answer your question, i myself
dont have many friends so i dont have a
lot of experience.

i have like two close friends and a

A boyfriend? But I thought that you were
a boy? Well that was my assumption based
on the images on your profile... I admire
your freckles by the way!

And I forgot to ask, do you play a sport?
I was just curious because of an outfit
worn by you in one of your photos.

1. yes, im a boy. are you homophobic
or something?

and 2. um... i play tennis on saturdays

but most importantly, are you really homophobic?

Homophobic? Can you please explain?

And very nice! I know what tennis is. It
seems like a fun activity. I hope that one
day I will be able to try it.

yeah tennis is nice

but how do you not know what
homophobic is? aren't you like a
nerd or something? you literally dont
know the simplest things-


um... anyways

basically homophobic is a
term used to define people with
a chronic illness called homophobia :)

its people who dont support gay
rights/discriminate gay people.
are you against gay rights?

What? Unbelievable! How could people
be against the rights of others to be
carefree and happy? This is wrong!
Of course I'm not homophobic! >:(

But what does that have to do with you
having a boyfriend? I thought that was
what I asked about... or am I mistaken?

dude what the fuck?

are you like, okay?

who said anything about being
happy? im speaking about lgbtq

Lgbtq? What? I thought you said gay...
Doesn't gay mean happy? Well according
to my dictionary, gay can be defined as
lighthearted and carefree.

wait a damn minute

who told you that gay only means

Well... the dictionary given to me by
my parents? Does gay have another
meaning? What does gay mean?

I feel so stupid I'm sorry. I can just sense
your irritability through your text, and
I'm sorry for being the cause of that. It is
not my intention and I will try to work on
my knowledge on such real-world topics
so that I will be more in-tuned with your words.

damn, your parents are really
something else

don't apologize, i understand
fr(for real)

the other, more popular meaning of gay
is homosexuality. being attracted to
someone of the same gender...


That happens? Is that legal?

the fuck you mean? of course it's legal

I just didn't know that it was possible for
a boy to be attracted to another boy, or a girl
to another girl. I didn't know that the body
or the mind could work in such a way.

well now you know. and im gay, so i
have a boyfriend

Oh congratulations then! I hope
things work out well for you two :)

And now I understand properly.
Homophobic people don't respect the
decisions and rights of gay people?
That's not fair! :(

it really isnt. and im glad you see that.
i feel much more comfortable now.

but now have a question for you

Go ahead!

what do you look like? for all i know
u could be an old man or a catfish lol.

i noticed that you don't have any posts
so could you like send a pic?

Oh... uhm okay? Give me a few minutes
please. Let me figure out how to take a
photo here!


|> Photo

oh wow uhm... that's you?

uh... nice glasses

Yes that is me! I hope that you are not
discouraged to keep conversation now :(
Seen just now

My parents have started making their
way to recollect my phone. Have a good
day at school! I hope that we can text
later :)
Sent just now

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