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"Good morning Yongbok- no... Hey, Yongbok- no... Maybe I should say Felix?" Chan sighed in between his mumbles, tone wavering and lips quivering with anxiety. His sweaty palms fought to maintain grip on the white headband that he had managed to locate in his wardrobe, and his weak, shaky knees begged for a break as they fought to keep his frame upwards in front of the body-length mirror near his nightstand. "Maybe he might be uncomfortable... maybe I should say- hey, Felix? Or, Hello there? What about-"

"Christopher?" The feminine, detested voice sounded from the slight crack that revealed the inside of the boy's room to the hallway. "Why are you dressed like this?" The sound only grew louder, and the tall, black-headed figure appearing as a reflection in the glass that the male was already struggling to keep a focus on was all it took to send those tired knees sideways, seating the worried teen on the edge of his bed. "Do you plan on leaving the house?"

Eyes darting to all corners of the undecorated room, and lips trapped painfully in between his teeth, Chan sighed at the headache that started making its way to the back of his head, eyes glossing themselves but lids too fearful of the possible inquiries to blink and let them flow. "I- I was just about coming out to ask you and father if I could go out today. I- I did all of my chores, as well as homework and extra research. I've completed the reports that you and father gave me, and I've also proofread everything. I've studied, and-"

"Christopher, I asked you one question. Why are you dressed like this?" The woman audibly growled with her words, eyebrows knitted together and lips pursed in question. "Your outfit is very... sporty. Why? And who or what made you think that you can request permission the same day that you plan on going?"

"I- I planned on going to ten-tennis today. It's because I have taken an interest in the sport from research, and so I wanted to try it today. I didn't know that I had to ask you days in advance, so for that I am sor-"

"You are not going."

Heart dropping and eyelids finally closing to let a single drop slide down the cheeks that hid those beautiful dimples, Chan furrowed his brows questioningly, lips parted and releasing a low cough before two one-worded questions, "What? Why?"

"Excuse me? Are you questioning my decision right now?" The leggy female scoffed with her words, eyebrows raising and face mimicking an expression of disbelief under her too-heavy makeup. "You see, Christopher, this is why you did not have these privileges in the first place. You never know how to adhere to rules, and you always emerge with these arrogant attitudes." She face-palmed before continuing, a glare piercing her son's forehead as her veiny hand dropped from her face. "Now get that clothes off and bring it to your father and I's bedroom. After that, you are ordered to go study for your upcoming exams. Those ones are going to be even more challenging because it's set by neither of us, but by the college that we applied for you to attend-"

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