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Channie <3
12:05 AM



Wyd awake?

college applications :')

wyd awake?

I was rereading our messages because
I missed you :')

But don't get me wrong, I understand
you're preparing for exams

I just like reading our chats when I miss you ;-;

aww channie :/

im sorry sigh

but i have some time now

tell me how was your day

how was therapy today?

It was good! I told my therapist about
you uwu

I told her how we're trying so hard to
maintain a long distance relationship :)

And how we're already celebrating four months next week :)

Also told her how amazing you are

I basically just ranted about my lovely boyfriend who taught me so much and practically made my life better , bc if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have rebelled
to be able to get a better life :(

chan stop making me soft at fucking
midnight wtf


i hate uuuuu smfh

fuck u -_-

u made me cry


Love you too, Lix

Also, I told her how I'll be visiting KR
next month

And how my relatives are so cool that
they agreed to set everything in place
so I can be as close to my boyfriend as possible

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