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Flinging his tennis racket to some far corner on his bedroom floor, Felix collapsed his small, tired frame onto the mattress, an exasperated sigh rushing up from his lungs.

His lips fluctuated between the formations of subtle smiles, frowns, and pouts as he scrolled through his unread messages; some from Jisung with more information about the birthday party that they planned to share; some from his good friend, Hyunjin, with the latest gossip; what he assumed to be the comparisons between two outfits from Sana; a seemingly caring, formal text from the male he had become virtually acquainted with not many days before; and per usual, nothing from Changbin.

His eyes narrowed slightly while another, heavier breath flooded out of his nostrils as he stayed focussed on the empty yet desired chat in his DMs, only snapping out of the short, pitiful trance when another message popped up in the one that was clearly competing to top his list of favorites.

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Christopher Bang
chrisbang1234 • Instagram
September 13, 2:03 PM

Hey! How was tennis today?

2:30 PM

I see that you're active, is it that
you're not in the mood to talk? If
so, I completely understand. I'd just
appreciate if you could let me know
so that I will find something else to
occupy my time with.

You know, since the only thing I even
do on my phone is talk with you.

hey, im sorry lol. just got home

tennis wasn't bad. same as usual.
won a few games, lost a few

how has your day been so far?

Oh I'm glad that you are willing
to talk :)

And my day has been good. Normal.
Eat, study, work out... talk with you.

Do you mind sharing more about
tennis? Like do you play with friends?
Or random opponents?

I'd really like to try it one day.

oh nice.

well, most times i play with my
friends or my boyfriend...

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