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//cw: mild love alarm spoiler

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//cw: mild love alarm spoiler

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Bright eyes gazing intently at the focused boy to his side, Felix couldn't help but spread a small smile, lips trapped in between his teeth as one risky thought flew into his mind, fueling his head to hesitantly lean onto the other's shoulder. Sighing at the lack of response from his gesture, he snuggled further into the blanket hugging his frame, eyes once again returning to the drama lighting up the screen of his laptop. "This is okay, right?"

Not once averting his focus from the film, eyebrows furrowed in observation and face scrunched with slight disapproval at the scene, Chan nodded softly, unconsciously slipping a hand around Felix's back. "Yes, Felix, rest comfortably. But, what did you say the name of this film was again?"

Chuckling softly and snuggling even closer as butterflies raged in his stomach, Felix refocused his own eyes on the screen, the late afternoon light seeping in from his blinds and onto the empty popcorn bowl at his side drawing a low sigh from his lips. "Thank you... and it's Love Alarm. You like it?"

Grunting and shaking his head, Chan leaned forward to pause the episode, free hand pressing against the mattress to help him to easily turn and face the other more comfortably. "No I don't like it, actually. So far, it has made me quite disappointed."

Frowning and leaning off of the older, Felix reached to look for something else to watch in hopes that Chan wasn't too turned off, or to at least try and fix is sudden wave of distaste. Sighing and searching for something mutually enjoyable through his watch-list, and internally swearing at the fact that the other was not even sparing him the chance to get through the few more episodes that he had longed to see, he parted his lips so speak, completely unaware of the stronger yet confused gaze piercing the back of his head. "So can I ask why... you don't like it?"

Sighing and closing his eyes as if the darkness would ease the unreasonable level of anger coursing his veins, Chan ran a hand over his face before continuing, the realistic yet irrelevant depth of his analyzation drawing a low giggle from the other's lips. "Felix, I don't like it because of Sun-oh. Hwang Sun-oh, Felix. He's not good. Not a good person. Very bad friend to Hye-yeong. Gosh, it just made me so angry, Lix."

Shivering slightly and the pet name and leaning back to properly release his soft chuckles and fully focus on the adorably upset boy at his side, Felix still nodded at his friend's words, his action and short sentence signaling that Chan should continue. "And why do you say that, Chan?"

"Because, Felix. Hye-yeong liked Jo-jo first. He liked her and, his friend knew that. Sun-oh knew that. Yet he still tried to- not even tried... he overtook his friend, in getting her. And you can't even blame her because, she didn't know Hye-yeong liked her." Chan groaned in between sentences, sucking his teeth before continuing. "And Hye-yeong is so calm about it. So quiet about it... how?"

"Well, in all honesty, Sun-oh is hot," Felix laughed even harder upon adding his own piece into the reiteration, but Chan's lack of response to his unsupportive comment was enough to momentarily dim his freckled smile. "But you know, Chan, it's not that serious..."

"No, Felix, it is. I mean, it makes me upset thinking about it, and trying to apply it realistically, in my life. Like let's say for instance, I have another friend that I told about my like for you. And so he knows that I like you, but still tries to take you from me? No. I wouldn't let that happen. I refuse to lose you so easily," Chan face-palmed as he paused his ranting, expression and demeanor still the same as if he was in no way phased by the clearly implied confession of his feelings towards Felix. "I just- it-"


"Yes, Felix? I'm sorry- Sorry for getting so worked up. I suppose that we can just look at something less problemati-"

"Chan... you like me?" Felix asked hopefully, eyes glossing in anticipation and thick gulp visible beneath his somewhat parted lips. "What you just said- does it mean that you really like me?"

Jaw clenching at the confrontational question that he somewhat knew the answer to but was unsure of before being faced with it in such a personal, verbal manner, Chan swallowed thickly, fingers anxiously running through his hair and the unexplainable, tingly feeling in his stomach that seemed to be lingering for the entire day strengthening as if there was a new flutter of butterflies leaving their cocoons. "I- yes. I don't know if this is the correct, social approach of telling someone that you feel something... tingly, for them but, this is the only way that my clogged up mind can figure out right now. I do like you, Felix. Like, in my chest, my heart... beats faster, around you? Even when you text me, and uhm, I feel- happy? This is all new to me but, yes, you make me- yes. I like you." He sighed before continuing, chest hurting at the unusually rapid beats against it, and knees weakening in anxiety though they were laid comfortably over the bedsheets. "Do you... do you like me, as well? It is okay if you do not..."

Eyes fluctuating between a gaze at the latter's glass-covered eyes and plump, heart-shaped lips, Felix could only nod in response, sweaty fingers tightening their grip on the blanket hugging his torso. "I- I like you too, Chan," he said softly, mind too caught up on imagining what it would be like to bless the boy with his first kiss rather than organizing another flow of words that'd rid all of Chan's worries as to whether or not his confession was socially acceptable. Running his tongue appetitively over his lower lip with eyes finally settling their focus on those of the older's, Felix leaned in slowly, a slight giggle leaving his mouth at the unmoving, almost humorous expression of fright and perplexity on Chan's face. "Chan?"


"Is it okay if I kiss you?"

"Kiss? Kiss me?" Chan tried to gulp but his mouth was too dry to send any moist substance down, and his own eyes could only stay trapped onto the freckled cheeks of the blonde just inches away from his dimpled ones. "Like on the lips? Kiss me? Like... like Jo-jo and Sun-oh?"

"Yes, Channie. Like Jo-jo and Sun-oh," was all Felix mumbled before resting his lips against the older's, their soft, warm state sending shivers down his spine, as well as the knowledge that such perfectly carved pieces of flesh were touched by nobody else but himself.

And Chan kissed back. Hesitantly and with zero experience but, he kissed back, or at least tried to. He, moved his lips together with Felix's with so much effort, sucking how and wherever the younger sucked, and cupping the blonde's cheek just as the smaller palm did to his. He, closed his eyes upon noticing how Felix had done just that and, he did nothing but bask in the new, highlighted feeling and sensations. The feeling of soft, beautifully plush lips swimming with his while darkness was the only thing able to be seen behind his eyelids. He could see with his heart finally, with no obstruction, and with another, equally desperate one staring back at his.

It was beautiful. A beautiful first kiss.

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