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9:30 PM


im sad :(

he left this morning

he's supposed to be there already but
im scared to text ;-;

i miss him ):

> Sana
baby :/

don't worry too much, ok?

if it's meant to be, then u all will meet
up again one day...

> Hyunjin
yeah what sana said :(

ik it's late but, u want us to come over?

no its ok <3

thank u tho

it just hurts yk

i didnt have sex all the way with him

i wanted to avoid that same shitty



i think im going to bed

> Sana
ok baby

take care of yourself

and whether u want to or not

ur coming on the court tmr. u need to go
out and ease ur head by doing something
u love

> Hyunjin
yeah and im finishing up my weekly post
for the blog tonight so i can make it

we love u and we're here for u lix

im sure you guys will still be able to communicate

yeah :/

≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡

Christopher Bang
chrisbang1234 • Instagram
10:10 PM

Be my long distance relationship!

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