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sunshinelix Happy birthday to us @hanj.one_ !! Great idea to merge parties frr. I just hope that this red dye will last a few days before washing off lmao
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hanj.one_ had a blast lix! hbd to you too
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official.hhj happy birthday lixie. love you uwu. now post those pics that we took together or else i will fight you. respectfully
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saaanna_ hbd bestiee. it's about time you turned 17 lmao
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chrisbang1234 Oh my! I was not aware that it was your birthday! Happy birthday Yongbok! You look very nice in this picture, as well as your friend! I trust that you had a great day today! And hopefully we can have a short conversation whenever you are free <3
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seospearb @chrisbang1234 the fuck?

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Christopher Bang
chrisbang1234 • Instagram
September 16, 6:45 AM

▷ |...|..|....|.|...|...|....|..|.|

I'm so, so, so sorry I missed your
birthday. I didn't know it was your
birthday :(. So I hope me singing
happy birthday to you will make it
up. I hope that my voice does not
upset you... Please know that this is
very heartfelt, and I risked a lot to
sing out loud like that without my
parents knowing and questioning

So once again, happy seventeenth
birthday to you! I wish you many
many more. And I left a comment
under your post ;D.

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