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Lee Yongbok
sunshinelix • Instagram
October 18, 5:30 PM

Hey, Felix.

How are you...? How was school

hey. im ok and school was


I'm alright.

good to hear


Uhm... what are you up to?


Oh well I guess I should not disturb
you then :)

9:15 PM

Hey, Felix! Goodnight. Are you done with
your homework?


Is it okay if I ask... is there something
bothering you?

no im ok. why u ask?

It's just, you usually seem happy to chat
with me :(

I don't know if I'm the one judging
incorrectly but, you seem uninterested...
I feel bad.

i just had s rough day. Chan. its not
that serious.

Hmph. Do you want to talk about your

i spoke to changbin for the first time
since our breakup today...


The boy that broke your heart?


What did you say to him?

nothing really. we just said hello...

he's single now lol

Okay? May I ask why you're interested?

im not. i was just curious.

Are you being honest?


Cross your heart.

what? tf?

Cross your heart if you aren't lying to
me, Felix.

chan im not crossing my fucking heart
to prove anything to u




i spoke to him because i wanted to see
if anything was still there

To see if what was still there?

like, to see if i still had feelings for him


because i want to distract myself so i
wont be too hurt when u leave, chan :/

... ;-;

Is there, anything there?

no :/


ur leaving me on seen now?


smfh chan


I'm sorry.


I'm sorry for everything, Felix.


I'm sorry for selecting your profile out of all
the ones on this application's "Suggested for You"
area, only for you to develop feelings for me; for a
boy who cannot even remain in your life. I'm sorry for bringing you so much distress and even a sleepless
night. I'm sorry for ruining your relationship and
all of that. I'm sorry. I am truly sorry.

chan dont talk like that :/

u didnt do anything to me. uve been
great, okay? im the selfish one, and
im sorry for making u feel guilty about
leaving especially when it isnt even in
ur control.

and even though circumstances are like
this, i dont regret meeting u. ill never
regret meeting u, okay?

and i look forward to seeing you on

Thank you, Felix :(

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