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With heartbeats vibrating all the way down to the sole of his feet, and strained, heavy breaths leaving his nostrils, Chan tightened his grip on both straps over his shoulders before looking back at a somewhat restless yet supportive Felix, legs nervously yet steadily marching towards his veranda. He flashed one last wave at the blonde before disappearing behind his front door, both boys overwhelmed with fear and anticipation of what was to come.

Holding in a breath as he tip-toed into his living room, Chan scanned the area carefully, relief forcing the unwanted air out through his nostrils and eyes closing in gratefulness to the universe for the absence of either of his parents in the dimly lit, somewhat welcoming area.

So sighing and nodding satisfactorily, Chan trotted into his bedroom, but the small smile that was creeping up from the corner of his lip didn't hesitate to invert itself at the sight of two irritable adults sitting at the edge of his bed. "M-mother," he stuttered, breath hitching and knees weakening as the memory of his clearly unfinished quarrel with his mother earlier that day reclaimed all positive thoughts in his full head. "F-father."

"Christopher." The woman responded sternly, long legs lifting and drawing her intimidating frame closer to his shaky one. "Where are you coming from?"

"Ten- tennis."

"Don't lie to me, Christopher. I mean, after letting you off so easily this morning, your father and I would at least expect you to stick to your claim, only for you to return at 8:30pm?" She was practically yelling at that point, her husband only humming occasionally to indicate his agreement. "Where did you adopt such rebellious characteristics from, Christopher? And answer me, truthfully, where were you?"

Growing irritated with his mother's routined level of autocracy, Chan slid his backpack off and onto the floor at his feet, folding his arms against his chest and looking the older female dead in the eyes; every inch of his willpower being used up to keep his shaky legs standing and the water on the surface his eyes from dripping down his cheeks. "I was at tennis, mother. That is where I said I was going, and that is where I was."



"I said phone, Christopher. Give me your phone."

Scoffing and shaking his head, Chan quickly picked up his bag from the ground incase either of his parents attempted to grab it to confiscate his device on their own; legs reflexively stepping back, further away from the tormented woman. "No. No, I won't give you my phone, mother."

"Excuse me? Christopher I said-"

"I- I know what you said, mother," Chan gulped before continuing, biting harshly on his lip in hope that the slight sting would somehow give him the courage to go on with his objective rant. "But I will not give it. I am not a child anymore, mother, and father. I- I am eighteen years old and... it's time that you both begin to treat me like my age. I have been nothing but obedient and hardworking for the years that I have been under your roof. I have given little to no problems to you, my parents, and now all I'm asking for is a bit of freedom." He paused for a moment before continuing, impulsively closing his eyes and flinching as if to prepare for the wrath of the black-haired woman before him. But there was nothing. Sort of as if both adults were actually interested in what their son was saying.

"I- uhm... I can't make it, without knowing the world, mother... and father. When you send me of to college, how will I be able to give presentations in front of an entire class? Or if- when, I become the doctor or lawyer that you want me to be, how will I be able to communicate with patients or clients? I- I won't be able to. This is why I need to live a little, mother. I promise that I will not slack off on my work or anything like that..."

Sucking in a deep breath before looking back at her contemplative husband on the bedside, the woman glared down at the boy before her, pride being the only thing keeping her from agreeing and admitting his veridicality. So instead of simply verbalizing her internal assent, she stepped back and took her husband's hand into hers, not sparing Chan a glance as they both made their way out of his bedroom, leaving a loud slam behind them, as well a smiley, contented Christopher.

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Lee Yongbok
sunshinelix • Instagram
8:50 PM


Are you home yet?

I survived :)

And I think I got them to listen to me...
I hope they actually did? I can only tell
the outcome in the morning.

But at least we can chat all night :D

And thank you again for my first kiss,
Felix... I liked it.

I hope you have a safe ride home!
Sent just now

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