25 | twenty-five

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Fiddling with the hem of his clean bath-towel before wrapping it around his wet, bare waist, Chan trapped his lower lip in between his teeth as he reached forward to collect his phone from the tiled bathroom counter. He sighed deeply before unlocking the device, heart pumping ever so anxiously against his chest and head brewing a slight ache at the self-inflicted pressure.

It was time. Well at least, he wanted it to be time. But, despite the unfamiliar levels of desire coursing his veins, said boy couldn't help but still feel somewhat nervous- skeptical.

Because, what if Felix wasn't willing? After-all, based on the anomalous amount of research that he voluntarily conducted throughout the entire week, consent was key. It was a two-way thing and, he could only hope that his crush would be willing to grant his unforeseen wish so suddenly without questioning his lack of comment on the topic within all of their online conversations.

So sighing once more and resting his phone on the counter after reviewing the key points listed in his notes, Chan dried himself up with the towel, small smirk cracking up his lips at the sight of his glasses-free face in the mirror.

He wasn't going to wear them anymore, or at least, he wasn't planning on wearing them for all of the hours that he'd spend away from home that day. He wanted to look presentable- attractive enough that his anticipated, desired reaction would really manifest itself through the younger.

Smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, Chan slid on his boxers and a white, loose T-shirt, as well as a pair of sweatpants. Grey sweatpants. So prepared, wasn't he? So primed since his well-executed plan of stealing the chance to take a ride with his parents on their routined trip to the supermarket, and offering to enter alone in the name of "developing responsibility".

So smart he was, ensuring that enough knowledge was gained on the act to know what was needed for such contact between two males. So intelligent he had become to ask for his parents' change as a small token for his improvement, knowing damn well that the implored amount was already spent on the bottle of lube and two condoms that laid in his backpack.

And Chan's smile could only grow brighter at the recollection of his clever efforts. So hanging the damp towel over the rack in the quaint bathroom before making his way outside with the backpack fully strapped over his shoulders, he sucked in one more deep breath, scurrying into Felix's bedroom with a slight grin and rosy cheeks boasting his dimples.

"Felix. I'm done with the shower. Thank you again, for letting me use it."

"No problem," Felix spoke softly, eyes too glued onto his laptop as he searched in the title of a movie to notice the slight difference in appearance of the other male.

But then Chan inched closer, leaving his bag on the floor near the nightstand and startling the younger with a dip in the mattress. "What are you doing?" He asked teasingly, smirk growing wider at the expression forming on Felix's face when said boy recognized the lack of spectacles shielding his eyes.

"I- where are your glasses?"

"I took them off. I don't really need them to see, you know." Chan spoke rather freely, restless nerves calming when his eyes locked so effortlessly with the blonde's brown ones. Groaning softly, he scooted higher up on the bed, only stopping when his back was at a comfortable rest against the headboard while his fingers fiddled idly with each other. "You like?"

"Of course, Channie. You look so good without them..."

Then Chan blushed. A deep, deep blush at that, and he couldn't help but smile at the red coat shading Felix's cheeks to mirror his so accurately. Gulping thickly, he ran a hand through his still damp hair, gaze finally averting from the latter's to settle on his clothed thighs, and mouth going dry as soon as his lips parted to begin his request. "I- may I ask you something?"

"Of course..."

"Feel free to say no, okay? Feel free to kick me out of your home, or even cut off all contact with me if you desire. I respect you, and everything that you decide to do..."

Felix arched a brow with slight worry before speaking up again, body already lifting to sit him carefully and comfortingly near the older. "Chan, is everything okay? Why would I do any of that?"

"Okay so... you like me, right?"

"Yes... I thought we already established that."

"Yeah and I- I like you, as well."

Blushing at just the thought of the possibility of being asked out due to Chan's sudden fidgety demeanor, Felix had to bite harshly on the inside of his cheek to rid the fantasy from his head.

Chan was leaving.


So a successful relationship between them was seemingly unachievable- far from possible. Unless if their feelings were strong and developed enough for long distance? But still. False hope just didn't make sense in that moment.

"Yeah... I know. What are you trying to say?"

"Okay, look. I- you were my first kiss, Felix. You were my first reason to leave my house. You were my first friend, the first person to really talk to me and give me a chance despite how annoying I seemed..."


"Wait, I'm not finished," Chan sighed before continuing, eyes closing as if the darkness would some how release his stiff tongue to sound the uncommon request without a stutter. "What I'm getting to is- since- since you were my first everything that I just named... and I have absolutely no regrets that such memories were made with you... Before I leave- before they send me back... I want you to have sex with me, Felix. I hope I don't seem too forward but, I only researched the procedure rather than the approach so, I'm doing my best here. And-"


"Yes. In preparation... for if you agree to have sex with me. But again... please feel free to say no."

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