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"Happy birthday to you, Christopher," the tall woman stretched the fakest smile across her wrinkle-free face, the buffed man at her side mirroring her gesture with arms folded against his chest. "Are you ready to be gifted with your new privileges?"

Nodding politely and forcing his lips together to prevent the maniacal squeals of excitement begging to be released from his insides, Chan ran a hand over the neat brunette strands on his head before bringing it back at its partner's side on the wooden table, but noticing that his parents had no intention of continuing unless a verbal response was given, he muttered a low, "Yes, mother," before pushing the round glasses up from his nose-bridge.

"Okay, good. But before we outline everything, you should know that we will not hesitate to take them away if you fail to comply with the still-standing rules, or take advantage of them. And, you have to ensure that you still stick to your regular schedule of schoolwork, as you still reside under our roof, thus meaning that we are still over you." The woman sighed after speaking, running a finger over the print of a paper that was laid out before both she and her husband. "Number one, closed doors."

Sighing and nodding at the signal to read out the description, the older male fixed up his own rectangular glasses before speaking; deep, raspy, scarcely heard voice sending few shivers down his son's spine. "You are now allowed to close the door of your bedroom whenever you please, but: Do. Not. Lock. It."

"Number two, walks and social interaction."

"You are now allowed to take walks in spaces within the neighborhood, as well as visit different places such as shops or the park, but, you will be granted this privilege only upon receiving permission from us both, and, you will have a curfew."

"Number three, social media."

Chan's breath hitched as his mother sounded the two last words of her sentence, and he could only attempt to cover up the sudden, slight giddiness in his appearance with a low cough and clearing of his throat. "S-sorry," he mumbled cautiously, eyes nervously trailing down to stare aimlessly at the center of the table. "I just choked on my spit."

Responding with a mere glare and a stiff nod, the woman gestured for her husband to continue performing his duty in their short meeting, signing with the action.

"You are now allowed to open up a social media account. For that, since you have not been raised with such knowledge, if you are truly interested, we will let you know how it is used. But, we will closely monitor everything that goes on with your account, as in what you search and look at, who you converse with, as well as what you post-"

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