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Lee Yongbok
sunshinelix • Instagram
October 23, 6:45 AM


Are you there?

sadly yes

Why "sadly"?

because it's 6 in the fucking morning

i had to leave my house at 5:30

30 fucking minutes after 5AM

i had to wake up at mf 4:30 to get
everything ready

4 fucking 30 bro

i still dont get why u wanted to come
this early

i had to buy data to be able to talk on
insta rn


I want to spend as much of the day as
I can with you...

Is that too much to ask? :(



no it's not too much

i wanna spend it with u too

sorry for going off like that. im just
nervous lol idek why

just hurry up and come meet
me. it's still cold out here

I'm coming I'm coming.

And another reason for leaving this
early is to avoid confrontation with
my parents.

You know how they can get...

i wish i didnt :/


Anyways I'm coming now.

See you in a few minutes.


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Shuddering and sinking his hands deeper into the pockets of his thick, lilac sweater, Felix watched as his instep periodically kicked on a few pebbles in that same spot at which he lingered in just few weeks before.

Sighing, he looked around the familiar neighborhood, eyes scanning the prestigious designs of the houses as well as the smooth, well-painted roads and the mowed lawns that lined up their sides. And he couldn't help but chew over a thought that suddenly fleeted into his head; "Is Chan... rich?"

But no. That didn't matter. So sucking in another breath, he decided not to think too much on it in fear of selfishly rearranging his outlook on the older boy.

He only spread a faint smile at the sight, another deep sigh leaving his lips, with a shiver that time, and eyes gazing upwards at the still cloudy sky, observing how it looked so beautiful despite being lit up by the sun barely and hour before.

And just as he was about to crosscheck the time on his cellphone, so did those familiar, patterned footsteps sound just a few feet away. So Felix looked up, eyes locking with the smiling ones of the older, enticing his lips to stretch into their own shape of contentment.

"Chan," Felix called softly, legs carrying him forward to hurry and attain the feeling of that muscular, comforting chest against his smaller one. "Good morning." He hugged the male cheerily, red coat heating up his cheeks when those sinewy arms made their way around his torso as well.

"Good morning, Felix." Chan coughed before cutting their embrace short, large smile dimming into a smaller one and hands finding and tightening their grip on the dark straps of his backpack that highlighted the spotless shade of white on his T-shirt. "I would love to hug- hug you for a longer period of time but, I think that we should leave now. I decreased routined activity, such as showering and the filling of my water bottle from the tap, in attempt to not make my parents aware of my whereabouts, but they will surely notice my absence very soon." He spoke rather quickly, tone unhesitant in selling out the fact that the poor boy was nothing but nervous- scared, in that moment.

"Y-you didn't shower or anything?"

"No. I- I was hoping that I would be permitted to do that at your home. But if it is any trouble then I can go ba-"

"No, Chan. It's okay. That's not a problem at all, so don't worry." Felix smiled softly, hand instinctively outstretching to take one of the latter's from the backpack strap and into his. He interlocked their fingers, other hand still in the pocket of his sweater, and smile not once shifting from his face as they made their way away from the neighborhood and to the nearest bus stop. "Today has to be memorable for you. I'll make sure of it."

"I- thank you but, please don't make any of our activities take place outside."

"I know, Channie. Everything is inside today."

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