27 | twenty-seven ¡!

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Nodding for his own personal reassurance, Chan stood up, heavy breaths, fueled by sheer innocence and anxiety, sort of quivering his lips as he pulled the hem of his sweatpants all the way down— with the company of his boxers. Thinking twice, he sat carefully at the edge of the bed, cheeks tinting themselves pink at just the feeling of Felix's gaze piercing his clothed back and, fingers clawing with whatever section of the mattress that they managed to hold on to.

"I- I just have to lay down, right?"

"Y-yeah." Felix gulped, his cheeks deciding to adopt their own crimson color, and the slight bulge in his pants only growing further at just the mental prediction of what he was about to do. "Y-you can lean against the headboard... And you didn't have to take it all off, you know. It's not a- not a problem but, just saying."

Nodding, again Chan scooted up further on the bed, his eyes, glossed with nothing but worry that he was doing or would do something wrong, not once able to meet with  Felix's as his legs somewhat parted themselves. And so he looked down, staring intently at the hard, thick length sprung up against the lower section of his T-shirt, and internally applauding himself for shaving the night before.

"I- Nobody, except my parents, have ever seen my penis before... Well- I mean they only saw it when I was a kid... Not at this stage."

"I see." Felix forced a small smile as he nodded, knees crawling him over to sit in between Chan's legs as they parted a bit wider to accompany his frame and, eyes so lost in a gaze at the valuable blessing of such size of the older to even take note of the light touch of a few fingers beneath his chin. But then Chan hummed, startling the drool that almost started its way down the corner of his mouth, and the cherry shade of his cheeks and ears deepening at the soft smile that rested on the older's face.

Then Chan pulled him in, gently, also leaning his own face forward to allow their lips to meet briefly, sending swarms of butterflies in both their stomachs and, the closeness of their faces practically forcing the meeting of their gazes, finally.

"Are you sure that you want to do it?"

"Of course, Channie. I want to- I want to... yeah."

"Well... okay... If my reactions cause you any discomfort, please let me know instantly." Chan spoke pointedly, pecking Felix's lips one more time before leaning back completely and, trying his best to relax against the wooden backrest. "I trust you."

Sighing and nodding, Felix brought his upper body lower, bottom lip trapping in between his teeth as he took a hold of Chan's member and, eyes periodically glancing up teasingly to add to the already burnt out expression on the latter's face.

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