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Lee Yongbok
sunshinelix • Instagram
October 5, 8:30 PM


Hey, Felix! How are you. And I know we
spoke earlier but, how was your day?

yeah it was okay. u?

have u left the house yet? since you
now are allowed to lol

Good to know :)

And no, I haven't...

u havent? why not though?

I mean I know that I'm allowed to but,
I don't know the first rule of out there. I
mean I know to be polite and respectful,
but I don't know how things work, and I
don't know if I could take the pressure.

Like even what we discussed... about me
coming to tennis next week Saturday?

As much as I want to, I'm not sure. I
don't know if I can handle it. I mean, I've
been good all these years, and yes I may
have been excited when I was first given
the privilege, but I think I'll just keep on
staying in :(

chan dont talk like that :/

No but it's true. You taught me so much,
Felix, and I'm certain that there are many
more things that I don't know, so I'm sure
that I'll be made fun of. Knowing things like
science and math and history will not help
me to interact with people...

but isnt that what im here for?

to help u?

staying in like that isnt healthy, chan

you need to live a little, and i personally
think that your parents raised u in an
abusive way :/

ill tell u what. dont cancel tennis

at least let it be your first outing. i mean
you already checked the location on maps
right? so you know the court that i usually
go to is not far from your neighborhood

yk all of this makes me think about
if you werent so secluded, like if we
would have met another way

because we're so close yet so far-

anyways as i was saying. come to tennis...
and ull interact with me. nobody else if
ur uncomfortable, and i wont let anyone
talk down on u


I don't know...

It's scary. And I think they know that.
They know that I'd always be skeptical
and probably never do it... that's why
they proposed it.

chan no offense, but fuck them

they don't deserve u

now promise to come hang with me
next week Saturday...



But now I feel overly stressed. I'm
going to go touch myself.

what the fuck-

how the hell do u keep saying these
things so casually-

I didn't think it was a private thing?
I mean we sort of spoke about it that
one time, so I didn't think it was an

i- have fun. just dont go telling that to
other people, because that could raise
some problems...


yes, if theyre blatant and rude
and not understanding, they might
insult you. or if its a pervert, they
might ask u to see

dont show them, if they ask u to see.

To see?

People ask others to see when they
touch themselves?

yeah they do

And why shouldn't the person show

bro common sense-

tell me, why dont u want your parents
to ever find out?

Because they have told me before that I
should not interfere with my penis...


gosh u have no filter💀

Did I say something wrong?

i- no. uhm, anyways... the pervert might
share it on social media to embarrass
you or keep it as blackmail :/

but i mean its not always a pervert.
sometimes your boyfriend/girlfriend
could ask, and if theyre a good person,
they'll keep it for themselves...

Do you want to see?


Never mind. Have a good night, Felix. I'll
sleep on the topic of our earlier conversation, and
confirm whether or not I'm coming to tennis
next week!

i- gn

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