26 | twenty-six

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"Uhm... are you- are you sure? You might want to leave that for your special someone in the future..." Felix pouted as he spoke, fingers fiddling with each other nervously against his thighs, and eyes no longer able to keep contact with Chan's unblinking ones. "You don't have to have every single first time with me, you know."

"N-no. I know. It is simply my desire to have every single first time with you, Felix." Chan spoke worriedly, cold sweat moistening his palms and, bottom lip trapping in between his teeth. "I- I even purchased some things. Like, when I did some research, I found out about condoms? For safety, according to the website. And also, a lubricant? Because apparently, same sex-"

"I know, Chan. I know how it works..." Felix shifted in his seat, mind too caught up with the task of analyzing the pros and cons of the older's request to even sense the rather dull look resting on his face, and missing the recognition of the frown resting on Chan's at the observation of his crush's expression of sheer disinterest. "I-"

"Are you uncomfortable? I hope I did not make you uncomfortable... It was not my desire to make you uncomfortable, Felix. So we can- we can forget this ever-"

"What? No- I mean, I'm conflicted but, you're hot..."


"You- never mind. I'm just skeptical, because I don't want you to regret it, you know?" Felix spoke softly, one hand snaking up to stroke Chan's bicep, making him smirk at the way the older easily shivered under such a light touch. "But still," he dropped the curious  palm down, sighing as a low frown replaced the small smile on his lips and, eyes shifting from the other's uncertain gaze. "I don't want to take advantage of you, Chan. You have a bright future ahead of you, you know that, right? One day, maybe- maybe back in Australia, you're gonna meet someone that you love... You're gonna be more mature and everything. Right now, you don't know much. Yes, you may like me but, it's different... You-"

The pair of soft, familiar lips pressing against his was enough to cut him off and, Felix's breath hitched in his lungs at the sudden contact but, he could only kiss back. He could do nothing but just dominate the kiss a little as Chan was clearly struggling and, he could not help but slip his tongue in when the latter was clearly making an unsuccessful attempt, probably based on videos or tutorials that he had used for preparation.

"Chan," he pulled away briefly, face only few inches apart and, eyes locking with the other's, causing Felix to get a clear enough view of the raging anxiety yet eagerness lingering in the older's gaze. "Chan, we'll both be too hurt. You're leaving, right? Think about it... If we do something so- so intimate, and then you leave, it'll be worse..."


"And- I didn't want to say this but... I've been really- In my last relationship... things were more based on sex and, I got hurt, you know?" Felix pouted with his words, eyes already filling with tears as they looked down and, soft sniffle sounding from his nostrils. "I- I don't really want to go all the way unless there is sure commitment, you know? Changbin hurt me really, really bad and, I don't wanna go through that or anything like it, again..."

Sighing and glancing down at the scrunched sheet before getting off of the bed, Chan nodded, lips stretching into a thin line, and eyes batting back a few of his own tears that brewed from embarrassment. "I understand." He said, tone soft and submissive, and fingers fiddling with each other at his front. "And I'm sorry for inflicting such sudden pressure. I should have requested in advance instead of introducing such intrusive topic without your previous knowledge."

"Chan, don't be so down... come back." Felix spoke gently, small smile reforming on his cheeks, and eyes lighting up as a seemingly bright idea lit up in his mind. Because... they didn't necessarily have to go all the way to have sex, right? And, Chan seemed rather desperate for some sort of sexual contact... didn't he? So the contents of the dominant suggestion overtaking his thoughts seemed to be the least that Felix could do to not only satisfy the inexperienced eighteen year old before him, but to ease his own, slight arousal.

Parting his moist lips, he spoke up again, eyes locked sensually with Chan's when the older looked up and, hands motioning towards himself for the other to make his way back onto the mattress. "We can still do something... if you want to..."


"Do you know what a blowjob is?"

"A what?" Chan furrowed both brows as he crawled back onto the bed to lean against the headboard. Pursing his lips, he focussed forward at his toes as they wiggled some centimeters down from his torso and, Felix could only giggle softly at his childish gesture. "Blow- job? I'm sorry but I've never heard of that term before..."

"Well," Felix inhaled deeply, hands sneakily closing his laptop to place it carefully on his nightstand before his body, so small and admirable, could make its way closer to the confused male. "It's when someone sucks somebody else off."


Blushing, Felix slapped a palm over his face, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek as his mind fought for the right set of words that'd flow in the least in blunt way possible. "Like... If you say yes, I will- Fuck, how do I put this... I will, suck your dick. Yeah."

"My what?" Chan questioned loudly, the utterly dumbfounded look plastered on his face enticing a fit of giggles from Felix's mouth; the sounds only growing in volume the longer his expression remained. "Dick? What- Isn't that like, the name of a man, usually used in problem solving questions? I don't have a Dick- I don't even like Dick."

"Chan- what the hell did you even research?" Felix sniffled as he calmed down from his chuckles, finger brushing some tears of laughter from underneath his eyes as his gaze remained fixated on the older's still innocently hilarious, confused expression. "Didn't you see terms or anything?"

"N-no. I just know about anal penetration with the penis during sexual intercourse between two males." Chan spoke softly, small pout resting on his lips as he thought and, eyes finding and locking in a nervous stare at his thighs. "I- I'm sorry for not doing a thorough enough-"

"Stop apologizing, Chan. I don't mind teaching you what you don't know..."

"Well what's a dick?"

"Your- your penis..."

Silence, for a few seconds before Chan spoke up, eyes not once taking note of an almost crying Felix as said male fought to keep back the laughter tickling his throat.

"Wait so... You want to suck my penis?"

"I- if you want to. It's form of sex, you know... But we don't have to-"

"Does it feel good?"

"Y-yeah... it's supposed to... You want me too?" Felix questioned cautiously, lower lips trapping im between his teeth as he inched closer to Chan's slightly tensed face, and smirking at the sight of a thick gulp moving his throat before briefly meeting those favored lips with his. "Or we could just cuddle-"

"N-no. Go ahead. Suck my pen- my dick."

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