Chapter One

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I hurried to the throne room as I strapped my bow to my back. It was early in the morning when the king had requested my presence. What could he need at this time of day? It seemed strange to be summoned after almost two weeks vacation. Apparently, King Thranduil had not needed me to kill anyone for quite some time. As an assassin for the king, I was on call twenty-four seven.

Finally, I rushed into the throne room and bowed stiffly. "Good! You are here. Ithildae, I have just recieved word that more spiders have entered Mirkwood." The king stood up. "Go now with Tauriel and my son to rid our lands of these foul creatures!"

"Yes, my lord." My feet padded silently down the steps as I grumbled, "I really do not want to go kill some stupid spiders! I would much rather just continue my vacation but no! Oh mighty king had to go and ask me to kill them! Me! Out of all the elves in Mirkwood I was chosen!" I huffed as my feet crossed the threshold to the entrance of the palace. Tauriel and Legolas were there as I jogged up to them.

Upon seeing me, the prince turned around, "Let's go." Tauriel and I quickly followed behind and matched his pace as the other elves coming along followed behind us.

As we neared the spider nests, loud shouts began to echo through the dense wood. "What is that?" Tauriel asked.

"I have no idea," I huffed between breathes, "but is does not sound like a spider."

When we entered the area where all the chaos was happening, a strange scene appeared before us. Not only were there spiders throughout the clearing, but there were also dwarves! Dirty, angry, and short dwarves. They were fighting with the spiders while still covered in what appeared to be webs. Strangely, there were quite a lot of dwarves. One of the dwarves was fighting the spiders bravely and seemed to have an air of power about him. He tried to command and calm several of the dwarves in vain as they fought for their lives. Still, they had not seen us as we waited for Prince Legolas' signal.

Finally, he waved him arm and we jumped into the clearing. The chaos magnified around us as the elves joined the fight. I charged with my sword drawn and began fighting the spiders. As I fought one after one, my strength never faltered and finally, all the enemies were dead.

Instantly, the elves surrounded the dwarves with their bows loaded and aimed. The dwarves growled and then dropped their weapons. Obviously realizing that we had beat them. Carefully, I helped several of the elves bind our prisoners' hands and started leading them back to see the king.

As we were walking, I observed the dwarves. Several of them had quite strange beards and facial hair. It disgusted me. Most of the hair was dirty and did not look like it had been brushed in a long time. All of them were repulsing except for one. He seemed younger then most of the company and had almost no facial hair. His rugged yet relaxed complexion complemented his black hair. He seemed just as angry as the rest yet there was also a lightheartedness about him. Truthfully, he was handsome.Wait! Ithildae, what are you saying? He's a dwarf! A dwarf! And you are an elf! Besides, he is a prisoner. You are an assassin. Stop these foolish thoughts.

The doors opened as we neared and silently walked into and through the majestic halls. While we were walking, I noticed my uncle Darion in the shadows. I smiled quickly and looked away. When we arrived at the dungeon, the elves swiftly pushed the dwarves into different cells.

As we were walking away, Prince Legolas walked up beside me, "Ithildae, I want you to stay and guard them." He walked away without waiting for an answer. Once again, I huffed in frustration. I am an assassin! Not a mere guard! Accepting my fate, I slid down the cold stone wall and relaxed.

The dwarves began banging on the doors and shouting. I smirked and looked down. they are incredibly foolish! No one can escape from these dungeons unless the king permits it.

After a while, I rise and pace the floor in front of several of the cells. "Getting tired of watching us?" A sarcaastice voice asked me.

My eyes searched the pale lit hallway. At last, they rested on the owner of the voice. The handsome dark haired dwarf. He was at the edge of his cell with his arms sticking out. "Huh? Oh...well yes. It is very boring to have to just sit here and do nothing."

"Well then you could let us go." He grinned. "Then, you wouldn't have to watch us anymore."

I rested my chin on my hand, "Hmm...let me think about that. No." I turned around and walked away. How foolish do these dwarves think I am? Well, this was going to be a long night.

Hey guys! Here is the second chapter! I hope you liked it! Just so you know, the picture is of Ithildae. Also this chapter was fun to write and I hope you enjoyed it! Lately, I have been practicing my writing more and trying to write better. If you liked it at ALL, then please vote, comment, or follow!


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