Chapter Twelve

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I don't know how much time passed while I was unconscious, but I could instantly tell when I started to wake up. A splitting pain erupted in my skull as a voice reached my subconscious. The sound felt like someone was pounding a hammer across my head, over and over again. The voice was faint at first, but it steadily grew louder.

"Ithildae!" The voice called out, partially breaking through my subconscious once again.

I struggled to open my eyes and come back to reality. Everything hurt so bad!

"Ithildae, please wake up." The voice called again. It was Kili! What was he doing here? Where am I?

I finally managed to crack my eyes open and instantly let out a gasp. Pain clouded my vision and I desperately tried to blink it away to no avail. The pounding stayed along with the unbearable ache across my whole body.

When my vision cleared slightly, I realized I was lying on a bed full of furs and blankets in a dimly lit room. The room was made out of stone it seemed and I shivered, understanding where I was. Underground. I am used to living sort of underground when I lived in the Woodland Realm, but this wasn't the same thing. Everything was dark, dank, and musty. The air was stale as well and I coughed several times. After each time, more shoots of pain scattered across my body. What had happened?

I turned my head slightly to see Kili sitting beside the bed, watching me with a concerned expression etched across his face. His eyebrows were scrunched together as he searched more face for...something.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

I was confused. So I asked, "Why are you here?"

Now he looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"You were in Laketown..." I stared at him, the pounding in my head slightly increasing and causing me to grimace.

"You've been out for a while, Ithildae." Kili said patiently. Out? For how long...

"H-how long?" I stuttered a bit.

"Around four days. We almost lost you several times." He explained and I heard an emotion that sounded like...worry?

"I...don't understand." My mind was foggy and I couldn't comprehend what he said. Four days? That couldn't be right...I had just gotten knocked out.

"A lot has happened, but long story short, Smaug is dead and we have claimed the mountain." He said simply.

"Dead? Are you sure?"

"Yes. I saw him fall from the sky. Bard, the one who's house we stayed at, killed the dragon." He leaned back in the chair that he was sitting in and crossed his arms; I couldn't help but notice his strong arms and the tunic he wore.

I nodded slowly, taking it in and started to sit up. But I stopped instantly when the pin became unbearable and I cried out. I didn't mean to, but it hurt so so bad!

Kili gently pushed me back down onto the soft pillow beneath my head before saying, "You are badly hurt, Ithildae. You need to rest." He ordered firmly.

"Hurt? What happened?" I know my body hurts, but I can't seem to remember why or how.

"When we rejoined my uncle here in the mountain, we found you at the base of the entrance, half under a large boulder. You must have been hit when Smaug came for Laketown." He continued to answer all my question patiently, without a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

Kili took it as a signal to continue, "Oin patched you up as best he could, but..." He trailed off and looked down at his hands. I gingerly pulled the covers away from my body. I was wearing a large wool shirt and my old leggings. Slowly, I pulled the shirt up to see something I was not expecting to see. My whole stomach was covered in thick bandages that were quite bloody. I gasped unintentionally, and looked over at Kili who refused to meet my gaze.

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