Chapter Seven

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This story is written from Ithildae's perspective, but for part of this chapter I am switching to third person for the company's perspective. Enjoy:) This one's for @mmaa56 and her sister!

The dwarves stood dumbfounded as Kili was pulled from their camp, in the hands of a despicable elf. When they were out of sight, Dwalin prepared to go after them.

Thorin placed a calming hand on his shoulder. "Dwalin, stop. You know we can't go after them."

Dwalin huffed and nodded.

Fili's jaw dropped, "Wait...what? We're not gonna follow them? But she has Kili!"

Thorin looked compassionately towards his eldest nephew, "Fili, I am truly sorry but there is too much at stake. You know very well that it is a trap."

"No! I don't care! That's my brother out there! I am going to go after him." Fili argued. It was his fault Kili was the one she took and he knew it.

"Fili..." Thorin started. There was no time for incessant bickering.

"No, Thorin. I am going. Go on your stupid quest without me!" he shouted. Fili grabbed his belongings and headed in the direction his captive brother went. Then rest of the company watched him leave, frozen from shock. Thorin glared at his nephew's back.


*Okay, back to Ithildae's point of view!*

I grunted as I lugged my prisoner along. He was heavier than I thought he'd be. I moved him slightly to ease my aching shoulder before an icy pain shot up my side. Remembering my stab wound, I looked at it. My whole side was soaked red and wet.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, the gates of the Woodland Realm loomed before me. They opened instantly and I confidently entered entered. I passed many elves who shot me strange or confused looks but I merely ignored them and kept walking.

Thranduil looked down at me as I entered his throne room. I dropped Kili unceremoniously on the marble floor and bowed.

When I looked up, he scowled, "Ithildae, where are the rest of my prisoners?" He asked me.

I swallowed and cleared my throat before answering, "My lord, I ran into some...difficulties on the way and could only bring him back." I gestured to Kili.

He scoffed, "Difficulties? I did not send you to bring me one dwarf back, but all of them!" His voice grew to a shout. "You have failed me."

"My lord, I believe we can-"

He cut me off before I could explain, "Bertho!" (Be silent) I closed my mouth, swallowing my pride. Gracefully, the king walked down his throne and stared at Kili. Suddenly, he ordered a guard, "Take him to the dungeons." The guard obeyed and I was left standing a mere three feet from the king. He towered over me. Even though I am an elf, I still fell short of his impressive height.

My head started to feel dizzy and a dull ache echoed from my wound. He noticed and located the wound.

"What happened?" He questioned, possibly a little calmer.

"It was just one of the difficulties I encountered. I'm fine." I assured. I did not want or need his pain.

Thranduil raised an eyebrow, "Go to the healers and get it fixed up. I have decided a suitable punishment for your overall insolence." I braced myself for the news. "You will guard the dungeons and our prisoner with no other assignments until I deem it fit. Am I clear?"

I nodded, "Yes, my lord." I was surprised. I had assumed it would be worse, like banishment, but still, guarding prisoners wasn't very interesting either.

"You are dismissed." He waved me away and walked back up his throne. I hurried out, afraid he would change his mind.

Making my way to the healers, I placed my hand to my side, trying to stop the constant flow of blood. When I arrived, they fixed me up swiftly and brought over a steaming cup of tea.

I jerked my head away, "What's in it?" I asked suspiciously.

The healer smiled, "It's just numbing tea. You need stitches."

I shook my head, "No. Just do it. I don't want my senses dulled."

The healer looked at me dubiously. I quickly assured her, "I'll be fine."


Seated on the stone floor in the dungeon, a fresh bandage around my side, I sighed. This really was an awful punishment.

For the next couple of hours, nothing happened. I had almost fallen asleep when a voice stirred me from my stupor, "Sleeping on the job, eh?" It teased.

I opened my eyes, it was my uncle, Darion. I smiled, "No, of course not! There is too much excitement going on down here!" I sarcastically explained.

"I see." He noticed the white bandage and his face contorted into worry, "Ithildae, what happened?"

"I'm fine, Uncle. I promise. It's just a little stab wound." I reassured.

"Are you sure?" He pushed. Uncle Darion reached to inspect it, but I swatted his hand away.

"Yes. I am very sure. I already had the healers fix it up. It's almost good as new." I stood up and gave him a hug.

"Okay...well tell me if it doesn't heal." He insisted.

"I will." I answered, my voice muffled from his shirt. He pulled away and held me at arms length. His face looked more worried.

"You need to rest." He said, looking at my side. I followed his gaze to the white bandage, not so white anymore. It was now stained red. I must have jumped up too quickly. I concluded.

I smiled and shrugged it off, "No worries, Uncle. I'll be good as new in a couple of days." I sent him off with a smile and sat back down.


After a couple more hours, I decided it was time to do something. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed two apples. Then, I found some bandages in the healing wing and hurried back to the dungeons. Finding the only occupied cell, I stopped in front of it.

A hunched over lump lay in the corner. I searched frantically for a sign of life and called out, "Kili?"

He grunted, to my relief, and looked over at me. I released my breathe and resumed my cold demeanor, "Here. I brought you some food and bandages." I held out the food through the bars.

"Go. Away. I want nothing you offer." He replied.

I snorted, "Okay then, starve. I really don't care." I placed the items on the ground outside the cell and walked away. If he was going to be difficult then so could I, but I suspected that he really needed help and left those items within reach for him anyway.

My thoughts and emotions swirled around my head and I struggled to make sense of them. A strange urge made me want to force him to eat and then clean his wounds, but then the other side of me said I hated him and didn't care if he died. I was torn between anger and compassion. I had never struggled with this before, why was it so hard now?

Hi again my wonderful readers! Here is chapter seven for you! Thank you for your patience! I know, I have been so lazy in updating and am horrible. So sorry and I need to let you know that I might be taking even longer times soon to update as school starts again and I will be incredibly busy. Please, vote, comment, and follow! Thanks sooooo much!:))


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