Chapter Nineteen

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With a loud thud, I landed on the ground hard. My breath was knocked out of me and I failed around, trying to get my feet under me. The world spun and something knocked me back to the ground just as I got to my knees. I hit my head on something hard and groaned loudly.

Opening my eyes, I forced them to focus even as the world swayed around me. The goblin that had come down with me was standing over me, a blade in his hand. He must have been the one to knock me down.

I narrowed me eyes at him and tightened my stance on the ground, waiting for the opportune moment to spring forward. He gave it to me when he advanced, coming near enough that I could jump right on him.

I knocked him to the ground and wrenched the knife from his bony fingers before plunging it into his gut with no remorse. He let out a ear piercing shriek and his body went limp.

Exhausted, I leaned back on my heels, I wiped my face and saw that my hand came away slick with blood. I realized my nose was bleeding and my lip was also busted. But the pain from them barely stung compared to my aching muscles and throbbing head.

My time to rest ended sooner than I liked as several orcs stepped away from the main battle and approached me, their swords in hand. I slid the bloody knife from the goblins gut and rose to my feet, biting my lip to keep myself from showing any pain.

The orcs made a semi circle around me, the cliff to my back. They sneered and chuckled to one another, thinking I was easy prey. But they were mistaken; I wasn't going down easily. And if I was going down, I would take them all with me.

When the first orc attacked, I was ready and I easily side stepped out of his way. He stumbled and barely caught himself from running straight into the side of the rock face.

Then the rest charged me. I moved as gracefully as I could, being in as much pain as I was, and countered their blows with my own. I slashed at orc after orc, seeming to make no progress and quickly growing tired.

 On one particular orc, I managed to get in a good swipe to his arm when something struck me in the back. I cried out and dropped to the ground face first. I rolled over to see what it was and instantly had a knife to my neck, an orc holding it and grinning wickedly down at me.

They had won.

As the orc lifted the blade over my neck, preparing to end it, I squeezed my eyes shut. I waited for the inevitable blow with a tight chest.

Only, the blow never came.

I heard the sound of metal against flesh and grunts before I peeked open my eyes. A dark headed figure was locked in combat with the orc that had been about to kill me!

Upon closer inspection, I realized that that my savior wasn't just a random figure, it was Kili!

I got to my feet just as he has finished off the orc, and gasped, "Kili! How... what..." I could barely breath.

He grinned and walked over to me, "Hey, Ithildae."

"But Thorin... and he..." I was at a loss for words. What had happened while I was asleep? Or unconscious? Or...

Kili scratched the back of his neck, "Well, Thorin is himself again. I don't really know how, but he's changed. And now we're fighting..."

It wasn't the best explanation, but it would have to do, seeing as we were in the middle of a battle and we had to keep things short.

"Thank you," I smiled, trying to keep it casual, but inside I was grinning. "For saving me, that is," I added nervously.

"Eh," he shrugged, "No problem. You would do the same for me. But I have to ask, why did you come back?"

That was a question I didn't want to answer. So I decided to skirt around the real question, "What does it matter?" I forced a grin, "I'm here now. Let's go kill some orc."

He chuckled and seemed to accept that answer. He handed me a his sword before pulling out another one and charging back into the heat of the battle. I paused for a second, trying to get used to the feeling of the sword in my hand. It definitely wasn't made for me; it was too short and too heavy. And it certainly wasn't very well balanced. But I knew it would have to do.

So raising it up in the air, I ran after Kili and into the battle.

I slew orc after orc, rejoicing as each foul creature fell at the hands of my sword. The sword didn't take too long getting used to and I came to realize why Kili liked it. It certainly made my swings a lot heavier and put more force behind them.

As I pulled my blade from another victim and took a second to catch my breath, I scanned the battlefield, searching to see where Kili had gone. I couldn't locate him and was soon forced to focus back on the enemy as another orc challenged me.

But he soon met his death alongside the others, proving to be not much of a challenge at all. My pain had mostly disappeared and I assumed it was because of the adrenaline racing through my body. It was welcoming and relished in the energy it supplied. I hadn't felt this good in a long time, and I didn't want it to go away.

Raising my eyes to see over the numerous heads once more, I finally located Kili. But he wasn't alone. He was with his brother and they were on large rams. The rams seemed to be unstoppable and anyone that got in their way was instantly run over. It was quite the sight.

Hey ho, everyone! You are very welcome for not giving you a cliffhanger this time :) I realized that I had been doing that a lot so I figured maybe I shouldn't do it this time... but don't worry! Our friendly cliffhanger will be back next chapter most certainly! Thanks for reading and please vote, comment, or follow!


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