Chapter Thirteen

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I settled back in the bed, feeling somewhat comforted by its warmth. The soft furs and blankets nestled me in and I felt myself grow groggy.

However, I wasn't allowed to sleep as the door opened again. Assuming it was Kili, I opened my eyes. But it wasn't.

It was Fili.

And he did not look pleased.

He stalked over to the bed, his face drawn tight. When he was right up next to me, he pulled out a small dagger and pointed it at my face.

"How could you..." he growled.


"Don't answer that," he ordered, "I don't want to hear your wretched voice. And if it was up to me, I would have left you for dead."

I glanced around the room, searching for me weapons.

They were no where to be found.

"Look, I'm not very fond of being here either, so why don't you just leave me alone," I suggest, my voice crabby.

"Don't tell me what to do!" He shot back.

I rolled my eyes.

Just then, several other people came in, to my dismay.

Oin entered with Thorin right behind. Thorin didn't seem too pleased to see me, but Oin kept his face impassive.

Oin pushed Fili away from the bed and looked at me. "I need to apply some ointment that I just found, alrighty?"

"Um..." I glanced over at Thorin and Fili who showed no signs of leaving. "I feel a lot better. I should be going," I mumbled and pushed back the covers.

Oin gently reached out and pulled them back over me, stopping me from getting up. "No, you aren't. You are nowhere near healed, Miss!" He argued.

"Thank you for helping me, but I've...overstayed my welcome," I said a bit more forcefully.

"You're not going anywhere," Thorin cut in.

I huffed inwardly and rolled my eyes, "And why not?"

"Because I said so," he said plainly. "Go ahead, Fili."

At his words, Oin shot me a sympathetic glance and moved slightly out of the way. Fili came back over, a length of ropes on his hands.

Oh. That's why...

"We can't have you doing something you'll regret," Thorin said grimly, his mouth set in a determined line.

I glared at him. How dare he? Then I shook my head, "No. Just let me be on my way and I won't bother you anymore."

"It's too late for that." Thorin nodded towards Fili.

"If you think I'm just going to allow that, think again," I shot back.

"I don't care what you allow," Thorin spat.

"Uncle! What is going on?" Kili had just entered and stared at everyone, shock and confusion etched onto his face.

"Kili, leave," Thorin ordered.

"No. Tell me what's going on!" Kili demanded.

"We are not taking any chances with this elf," Thorin ground out, facing his younger nephew.

"She helped save me! You don't need to bind her!" Kili argued.

I was confused. Why would he try to help me? Why would he do anything for me at all? Especially when he loved Tauriel?

"I am not going to argue with you," Thorin insisted, "She is going to be bound and that's the end of it." Then he shouted, "Dwalin!"

The strongest looking dwarf of the group them entered the room. He was the one with tattoos around his semi-bald head. He must have been waiting out in the hall.

He clenched his fists when he saw me and neared the bed. I pulled the covers back and prepared to run. I didn't know how far I could go, but I had to try.

Before I had a chance to do anything, Dwalin grabbed my arms and pushed me back down upon the bed. His grip was surprisingly strong and I could barely move.

Fili took that as his opportunity and tied my hands to each of the bed posts tightly, not bothering to be gentle. When he was done, Dwalin let go and stepped back. He almost seemed pleased.

I on the other hand, was not pleased. In the slightest. I struggled and thrashed, trying to pull free of the constructing ropes. But they didn't budge. Instead, the skin around my wrists became shredded and blood pooled from them.

Everyone left the room except for Kili. He stood by the door, a mug of water in his hand, frozen.

I glared. I was angry and wanted to take it out on anyone I could. It didn't matter who.

Kili slowly approached me and lifted the mug slightly, "Do you still want some water?" He asked timidly.

"What do you think?" I shot back quickly.

He shrank back from my words, looking pained.

I sighed, seeming to realize what I had just said. "I'm sorry," I mumbled, "Thank you for bringing me water. I...would like some."

He nodded and lifted the ceramic mug to my lips, helping me drink. I greedily drank from the mug and it was empty in a matter of seconds. The water was cool and helped to clear the burning sensation from my throat.

"T-thank you." I said once he had sat back down.

He nodded again. He looked like he wanted to say something, but something held him back.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." Kili looked down at his hands, strands of his hair falling into his face. I suddenly had the urge to gently tuck those strands of hair behind his ears and...touch his face.

Why do I have to be in love? Oh why? I hate this...

"I should have done something," he repeated and I could tell he was beating himself up over it.

"It's...okay, Kili. I appreciate that you tried to help." I told him honestly.

"But I should have done more!" He insisted.

"Kili, really. It's fine," I dismissed.

He seemed to realize that I didn't hold it against him and fell silent.

I moved my neck so I was staring up at he ceiling. Slowly, my eyelids fluttered closed and I relaxed. Sleep finally came for me...

So, I was thinking...I really don't have much feedback for this story! But I do have lots of readers (Which I am so great full for by the way!) and I was wondering if just this once, you could give me an honest (completely, brutally honest) review or comment to let me know how I'm doing! I honestly want to know either way:) if you could take the time to do that, I would so appreciate it!!!!!!! Thank you!!


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