Chapter Sixteen

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It was very comforting to have Bilbo with me, even though he didn't say much. Just having him near me was a huge comfort. After all the stress and worry of everything going on lately, I haven't had a chance to just relax and not do anything.

But he couldn't stay long, and soon he was gone, leaving me all alone. I reclined in the bed for a while, but quickly grew bored. There was nothing to do or see that was able to keep my attention for more than a few minutes.

Finally, I gave up trying to entertain myself and decided to do something. There were noises coming from my door very faintly and I wanted to find out what was going on. Slowly, very slowly, I climbed off the bed and stumbled towards the door.

My body hurt everywhere and it only increased as I stood longer. But I didn't want to give up now so I steeled my resolve and continued on.

After walking some distance along the dark and damp hallway, I noticed light up ahead. And then I smelled it. Fresh air.

As an elf, I was not made to be kept underground in dense and dark areas for so long. I had hardly felt it up until now, but with a bit of fresh air in my lungs, I realized how much I needed it.

The closer I drew to the opening, the better I felt. The pain in my head lessened considerably and the rest of my body seemed to follow suit.

"What do you think you are doing?"

I spun around to face Dwalin who did not look happy to see me. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"I asked you a question," he growled. His large fists clenched tightly as he stepped slightly closer to me.

Swallowing, I finally found my tongue, "I-I was just getting some air."

"How did you get out of your bindings?"

Uh oh. I didn't want to spill the beans on Bilbo after he had been so nice to me.


Dwalin didn't wait for me to come up with a lie. He grabbed my arm and leaned into my face. "Doesn't matter, I guess. But we could use some leverage."

I recoiled. His breath was disgusting and made me gasp. Dwalin tightened his grip on my arm and pulled me alongside him. He headed towards the light and it sooned opened up to reveal the entrance to Erebor. Only, it wasn't as I remembered it. The dwarves had built up a makeshift wall from pieces of stone, effectively sealing the mountain closed except for an area towards the top.

Dwalin led me up a sort of staircase till we reached a landing on top of the wall. All the other dwarves were there and they all turned to look at me as we reached the top. But I looked right past them and out into the open where an army of elves were gathered and King Thranduil was right at the front.

His eyebrows raised when Dwalin pushed me into view, but I could tell it wouldn't change anything. If they were planning on using me as leverage, it wouldn't turn out the way they would be hoping. Thranduil wouldn't care if they sliced my neck open right in front of him.

"Dwalin, what are you doing?" Kili demanded as he moved through the other dwarves and into my view. "Let go of her."

"Lad, she's just what we needed. Now relax," Dwalin replied calmly.

I pulled my arm away from Dwalin and he let go surprisingly. I guess he realized I wouldn't be able to get away with all of the dwarves around me anyways.

"Just let me leave," I muttered.

Just then, Thorin stepped up as well and placed his hand on Kili's shoulder. "I think Dwalin is right. She can help us."

"I won't help you with anything!" I yelled.

Thorin ignored me and turned to face Thranduil and everyone behind and beside him. "Since you are bent on robbing me, let us make a deal!" he roared.

Thranduil chuckled, but told him to go on. I could tell he was only letting this continue for amusement's sake.

"I will give you back your elf spy in return for what is rightfully mine," Thorin finished. I wanted to groan loudly, but kept it inside. I didn't know what had been taken from Thorin, but his plan wouldn't work. If only I could find Bilbo, he could explain. I tried to see past the other dwarves standing near me, but I couldn't spot him.

Giving up, I looked back out towards the elves. Wait, I noticed a glimpse of... Bilbo! He was down there! He came walking out from behind an older gentlemen with a long gray beard and gray clothing.

Bilbo stepped up closer to us and shouted, "Let her go, Thorin! She is of no use to you!"

Why was Bilbo down there?

Thorin quickly answered back with a snarl, "I won't answer to shire rats!" I could almost feel the anger dripping from his voice. What had happened while I was in that room?

"So do we have a deal?" Thorin repeated.

Bilbo stepped back near the old man after sending me an apologetic look. I sent him a reassuring nod for his own sake. I didn't want him to feel guilty for something that wasn't his fault at all.

Thranduil finally spoke, never having wiped the smirk from his cocky face, "I don't believe so."

"You would leave one of your own kind with me?" Thorin demanded. He seemed surprised, but I wasn't in the slightest. Thranduil had banished me, so he had no reason to barter on my behalf.

"She is no longer under my rule or protection. She chose her own path when she failed her duty," Thranduil spoke calmly, drawing his gaze at me. His eyes were piercing and cold, but I didn't look away. He couldn't hurt me so there was no reason to fear him.

Angrily, Thorin grabbed my neck and threw me to the ground. I was unprepared and weak, so I couldn't fight back. He towered over me and said, "Then you really are of no use to me."

Those words frightened me to my core.

Hello, my wonderful readers! How's life for you? Enjoying a cliffhanger free chapter? Heehee... not a chance. Sorry, not sorry. It was too tempting. But I am sorry for being a meanie and not updating in a while. I had planned to do it while on a long drive recently, but then I got an infection in the cornea of my eye and couldn't see or do anything for several days after that. But I finally finished the update and I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to leave me feedback:)


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