Chapter Twenty

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I started to follow after Kili and his brother, wanting to see where they were going and if I could help, but I was stopped before I could.

A large, brute of an orc stepped in my path, snarling at me and brandishing a huge, wicked looking axe.

He swing it at me, but it was slow enough that I managed to side step it. I easily plunged my sword into the creature's side, causing black blood to gush out. The orc roared and brought his weapon around again, this time barely nicking me in my side.

I stumbled back a step and rolled to recover my footing. I raised my sword up and waited for him to try again.

Obviously, he wasn't very patient and charged me again, swinging his weapon back and forth in an attempt to catch me with it. But he underestimated me. And when I brought my own blade down his neck and all the way to his lower back, he let out another loud roar before collapsing to the ground.

I breathed heavily and leaned on my knees, trying to gather back some of my energy. My adrenaline wasn't helping as much as it was earlier, and I was quickly starting to wear out. My breath came in short gasps, and I began to feel light headed.

Forcing myself to breathe slower, I eventually got it back under control and managed to stand up straight. Just in time, too, for just then a disgusting troll began stomping over to me, its beady eyes locked onto mine.

He had metal balls of spikes for arms and legs, and there were chains attached to his head that allowed an orc to ride and control him. The orc on top was grinning, revealing his rancid teeth to me. Instantly, I was ready to kill him.

A few seconds later, the troll was above me, swinging one of his deadly arms towards my head. I ducked, and it flew right over me. Then, I darted over to the leg of the beast and stabbed my sword into it, causing it to stumble and shake. Blood poured from the wound in huge streams and sprayed my face and hair with its putrid contents.

I clenched my teeth and pulled the sword out, releasing even more blood from the wound. Then, I began climbing the leg of the beast. By now, it was flailing around wildly and the orc who was its driver was scrambling to keep the troll under control. I needed to be swift, or I would fall with the beast.

Reaching the top of the troll, I managed to balance across it precariously and easily slit the throat of the orc. He barely even saw me coming, before I had reached him and ended his miserable little life.

Just like that, I sprung from the troll as it collapsed onto the ground. Then I plunged my sword into his skull, effectively ending his life.

Realizing the beast was dead, I swung around in a circle, prepared to fight someone else. But to my astonishment, there wasn't anyone. The dwarves and elves had rallied quite well and pushed the orcs and goblins back. It seemed that the war was at a slight reprieve, amazingly.

I searched through the mess of bodies to locate Kili and his brother, but didn't see them. I looked for the rams that they had been riding, but they were no where to be found.

Lifting my eyes towards the sky, I suddenly caught a glimpse of something. It was Kili and Fili! And there was Thorin, slightly ahead of them! They had made it past the hoard of fighting down here and were headed up to Ravenhill! But why were they going up there?

Unless... yes. They were going to cut the head off the beast. Whoever was leading this horde had been stationed up there. I had seen the flags and the different commands from afar.

If they could do that, then we would win. The battle would be over with no one to lead the orcs and their allies.

Just then, from across the battlefield a ways, I spotted Legolas riding over on his white steed, Tauriel riding behind him. He dismounted and walked over to where Gandalf, the wizard, was standing. I took a step towards them, and noticed someone else beside Gandalf.

Bilbo! He was okay! Relief flooded my stomach and I hadn't even realized how much I cared for that hobbit. But I was certainly glad he was still alive.

I walked a bit closer to them, so I could hear their conversation.

"...a second army. Bolg leads a force of Gundabad orcs. They are almost upon us," Legolas told Gandalf hurriedly.

Gandalf's let out a breath, "Gundabad..." He heaved in another breath and let it out forcefully, "This was their plan all along." He paused, realization dawning on him, "Azog engages our forces and then Bolg sweeps in from the north," he spit out with spite.

"Wha... the... the north! Where is the north exactly?" Bilbo cut in, looking wild eyes all around him and breathing heavily.

"Ravenhill," Gandalf said gravelly.

"Ravenhill..." Bilbo breathed, "Thorin is up there. And Fili and Kili. They're all up there!" Bilbo said with growing panic.

No... it couldn't be true.

Everyone turned to look up at Ravenhill, desperation growing on their faces. But I couldn't just stand there. I had to do something.

I began sprinting towards the towering hill of rock, desperate to get up there and warn Kili before it was too late. I had to get there. I had to save him. There was no way they would get out of there in time unless someone warned them.

Wow, look at that! I'm sort of sticking to a schedule for updating! THIS IS AMAZING I LOVE UPDATING. Haha, don't worry. I haven't lost my marbles. Well, not all of them at least...

JK. So please vote, comment, or follow if you are enjoying this story! We are getting close to the end now :D


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