Chapter Eight

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I stayed in the dungeons for many hours, barely awake. Bored out of my skull, I wandered through the dungeon halls until I stumbled in front of Kili's cell. Not really knowing why I was here, I plopped down on the ground, facing the cell bars. I strained my eyes to see into the dark cell until Kili spoke, drawing my eyes away from the darkness.

"What do you want?" He asked quietly. His voice sounded like he would like nothing better than to kill me, if he had the chance.

I shrugged, "Because of your stupid friends, I have to stay down here and babysit you."

"Well just leave me alone."

"Why? I'm supposed to be watching you..." I picked up some sand off the floor and rubbed it between my fingers.

Kili scooted closer to the bars where I could see him. He grimaced and held a hand at his side, "Is that really why you came over here? Or was it to gloat?" He scowled.

I feigned offense, "What? Me? Why would I brag?" I exclaimed in mock disbelief.

Kili snorted.

I chuckled softly, "I guess you're right...that sentence didn't make much sense." I grew serious, changing my tone of voice, "Look...I'm sorry you got shot. Really."

"Ya...sure." He sighed, giving me an annoyed expression.

"I know you must think I'm a jerk, but I'm not really that bad when you get to know me..." What am I saying? Of course I'm a jerk! I hate dwarves! Why am I talking to Kili...

Kili didn't answer.

"Whatever. I know I can't change your mind." I retorted, feeling stupid for saying that.


I looked up to see Kili slumped against the bars, eyes closed. My heart pounded in my chest as I hurriedly unlocked the cell door. It creaked open and Kili fell towards the ground. I caught his head and gingerly laid it in my lap. "Kili?" I reached beneath his neck, feeling for a pulse.

After a steady beat reached my fingers, I relaxed slightly.

Kili slowly opened his eyes and frowned, "W-what's going on?"

"" I searched for what to say, my heart confusing me, "I think you passed out. Are you okay?"

Kili looked up into my eyes, as if searching for honesty, "I-I'm fine. Just tired." He sat up quickly and looked around, realizing the door was open.

I pulled out a dagger and lightly touched his chest, bringing his eyes back upon me, "Sorry, but you have to go back in there." I gestured to his open cell. I noticed his shoulders slump, but he didn't resist.

After I locked his door, I looked down at his side, it was deep red and soaking wet. With blood. My eyes widened, "Yikes. That looks...painful." Seriously? That's all you could think of to say? Ithildae, you are an idiot.

He rolled his eyes, "What do you think?"

I ignored Kili and went to find some bandages. I hurried my steps, hoping that no one would go down to the dungeons until I returned.

My quest was successful and I unlocked Kili's cell, one arm full of medical supplies. He looked at my arm, but remained silent. I knelt down beside him and slowly pried his fingers away from his side. He watched me, a wary look spread across his face.

I concentrated on his side. The wound barely peeked through his tunic. "Take off your shirt." I ordered.


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