Chapter Five

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When I opened my eyes, I was so disgusted and angry by what I saw, I could have screamed. My hands were bound behind my back, tied to a tree as all the dwarves stared at me. I scowled up at them fiercely. This was could I have let my guard down? Dwalin must have snuck up behind me, but how did he know I was there?

I tried to clear my head and figure out my plan of turning this little party around. Time to just sit back and wait for the opportune time.

The leader, Thorin, stepped closer, "How did you find us?" He growled.

I snorted, "Well, you weren't being exactly discreet. It was pretty easy to follow you. Especially since you have some slower baggage." I smirked and looked over towards Kili. That's right, Ithildae, rile them up and let them be cocky. Nice and confident.

Thorin tightened his stance in, I think, anger. "How dare you...even think of following us...and then, you think that insulting us will accomplish something? You certainly are crazy, elf scum."

I stayed silent, but kept my gaze steady. Dwalin stepped up behind Thorin and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Thorin, let me handle it." Dwalin watched me as I turned my gaze to him.

Suddenly, he approached me and slammed his fist into my face. I grunted and spit a mouthful of blood. Wow, he really knows how to punch...

"How did that feel? It no where even close makes up for what you did! You harmed one of my company, so now i'm gonna harm you." Dwalin rubbed his knuckles and backed away.

"Calm down, Dwalin." Thorin commanded. "We need to think clearly..."

I snorted.

Thorin glared, but kept talking. "As much as we all want to hurt her, myself included, we need to figure out what would be wisest." The dwarves nodded their heads in agreement.

"Fine." Dwalin agreed.

"What do you suggest we do?" Kili asked.

"Well we certainly can't take her with us." Another dwarf, seemingly older than the rest, stated.

"Of course not, Balin. That would be a terrible idea." Thorin agreed. "Hmm.." He rubbed his chin vigorously.

Quietly, I wriggled my hands, hoping to loosen the ropes.

Thorin turned around to face the dwarves, "Let us sleep tonight and tomorrow we will decide." The dwarves all agreed. Then, they settled down around the clearing. I observed them, while trying to untie my bonds.

For a moment, I watched towards the edge of the clearing where a dwarf tried to clean Kili's wounds. I slightly smirked as Kili grumbled and argued, saying he was fine. Dwarves truly were stubborn to a fault. He should just let them help him. Foolish boy.

I think he finally agreed to stop arguing and looked up. He caught me watching and scowled. I smirked, which just made his scowl deepen.

When the dwarf finished cleaning and wrapping his wounds, he limped closer.

"Why did you do it?" He inquired.

Surprised, I asked, "What?"

"Why did you stab me in the foot?" He repeated.

"Oh...because it's my job."

"It's your job to stab people in their foot? Kili raised his eyebrow.

"No! That is sick! I work for my king just as you work for yours." I explained.

"He told you to stab me?" The dwarf questioned.

"No...not exactly..."

"Then why?" Kili slowly sat down.

"Because I needed to figure out who your leader was. No one would tell me. If you want someone to blame, blame your leader." I looked away and readjusted.

"Whatever." He shook his head, stood up, and walked away.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow I would escape and turn the tables.

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

HEY, MELLON NINS!!! I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE ALL HAVING A WONDERFUL AND BLESSED DAY:-) Please vote, comment, or/and follow if you liked it! I know it is pretty short but it is kinda just a filler chapter! One more thing, please do NONT be a ghost reader, ya'll! Let me know what you think! Thank you so much!<3<3


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