Chapter Eleven

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I didn't have to wait long for Kili to reawaken. Only some time later, I glanced over at him from the other side of the room and noticed him saying something to Tauriel.

Being incredibly foolish, I listened in. But instantly, I regretted doing so. The words that reached my ears demanded attention. They stung and burned my body, causing my heart to ache as my mind begged me to forget the words them. But it was too late. I had heard them. And he loved Tauriel.

Not a moment later, I spun around and marched out the door without another word. I heard Tauriel call after me, but didn't stop. I couldn't stop. Not after what I had heard. He wanted Tauriel. How could I have been so foolish to ever think I could have had him? I had been so

I couldn't finish. Instead, I did the only thing my wretched mind could think of. I ran.

My course was straight as I headed towards the solitary peak. The lonely mountain. I had to do something.

My anger burned brightly and I wanted to kill something. I wanted to put my skills to use and if Kili didn't want me, then the least I could do was help the dwarves in their quest or die trying. It didn't matter to me anymore.

As I ran through the darkened streets, I noticed something strange on my face. With a trembling hand, I reached up and wiped away...water? I glanced up at the dark sky, confused. It wasn't raining. Where was the water coming from?

Then I felt another. It came from me! I...I was crying. How strange, I had never done that before. Never in my life had I shed tears over someone. Even when I was told the truth about my parents I didn't cry. I held it in.

Finally, I reached the end of the maze of buildings and came to a wooden bridge. It led me straight across the lake and I quickly stepped onto dry land in no time.

My footsteps quickened when a low rumble shook the earth. A low rumble that came from the mountain. What had those bumbling dwarves done now? A bunch of idiotic, useless, foolish...

I stumbled again as another small tremor broke me from my thoughts. This couldn't be good. There was only one thing in that mountain that could cause these earth tremors. And he was supposed to be asleep.

"Congratulations," I muttered, "you woke the dragon. Now we are all going to die." I said to myself, my frustration fueling my legs as I ran without ceasing.

The more my legs flew over the dry and cracked earth, the more my mind demanded attention. The more it brought forth those wretched words that Kili had spoken. It became so loud in my ears that I was forced to listen. Forced to stop hiding from the truth. So to appease my roaring thoughts, I admitted the truth. I admitted what my mind demanded me to.

I was a failure. I was foolish. And Kili would never love me. Ever. He wanted Tauriel and I would be all alone. For eternity.

With that recognition, I sobbed. I couldn't hold my pain in anymore, so I cried it out. With every tear, I poured out my aching heart. I mentally slapped myself over and over for my many mistakes. I didn't deserve Kili anyway. I didn't deserve him at all.

Surprisingly, as I cried, my legs didn't fail me and I kept on course. But I knew how easy it would have been to run in the opposite direction without me even having noticed it.

Now, I wiped away my tears and pushed myself forward even faster. I didn't know why I was heading towards the mountain to be honest. But I had to do something. Anything.

When I finally came within sight of the entrance, I frowned. It was blocked! There was no way in. How did the dwarves get in if this entrance was blocked off? I decided to go closer to the door, hoping that maybe the entrance was too tiny for my eyes to see. I was still far away after all.

Another short run and I was right in front of the massive, and I mean massive, entrance. I held back a gasp when I could truly see every detail. Even though it had been wrecked and many pieces had been broken, it still was magnificent. I couldn't believe I was saying that about dwarvish architecture, but I didn't take it back. In all honesty, I meant it. And I could only imagine how splendid it had been before the dragon.

Abruptly, another tremor shook the earth and caused me to almost fall. Being so much closer to the mountain, the tremors were much stronger.

I swallowed my fear and unsheathed my twin daggers from my back. Holding them loosely in my hands I searched the entrance for holes to get in. Any way that I would be able to slip in unnoticed.

After a quick search and I hadn't found a single thing that would work as an entry way, I turned to go, giving up. I had no idea how the dwarves had gotten in so there was no reason for me to remain there any longer. Besides, I didn't really know what I would have done if I had gotten in. Help them on their quest? Somehow I doubted they would be very happy to see me. Which of course I hadn't thought of in my blind rage and sadness.

With a shake of my head in frustration, I sheathed my knives and prepared to leave.

Then everything changed. My back was turned, but hearing something, I swung back around towards the mountain just as the entrance burst open, shooting huge shards of rock towards me. And in their place was a dragon. Smaug.

Huge holders flew through the sky and I did the only logical thing; I ran. I ran as fast as I could, but it all happened so fast. Before I could get even two feet away, I felt a tremendous pain shoot through my very core and I heard a sickening crunch. The pain filled every limb until I was no longer in Middle-Earth. In fact, I didn't know where I was.

Then I let go, and drifted off into the darkness.

That's it! That's the end of the....chapter! Haha, yah that's right, it's NOT the end of the book. Let me repeat: IT IS NOT THE END OF THE BOOK. HAVE NO FEAR.

Also, I must sincerely apologize for taking like a month to update this bad boy...I literally have no excuse this time. I have run out of excuses. I am really sorry guys...but if you are reading this that means you haven't given up on me or this story! And for that I thank you:) *bows low in thanks*

I truly hope you enjoyed this chapter, things are winding up for the end game! Duh duh DUH! Heehee...corny, I know. But what yah gonna do? It's just he way I am:) So...please press that vote button for me!! Thanks all!


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