Chapter Four

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The shouting faded as I lagged behind. The foamy rapids pulled the dwarves along swifter than I had expected. With each step, the escaped prisoners gained distance.

Before long, all the shouting had faded and I was left alone with the mundane sound of gushing water.

I kept following the water, hoping to catch up and not lose the dwarves, again.

After running for some time, the sound of shouts grew louder. I slowed my pace and crept up to the area where the yelling originated.

It was the dwarves! I silently congratulated myself on finding them so swiftly. Hopefully the king would forget about my little mishap in the dungeons if I brought them back.

I watched them silently from the edge of the woods. They had survived the rapids and were swimming to shore. I noticed that Kili was still limping as he dragged himself out of the water, until my eyes glimpsed something else. Another wound was on his thigh! It appeared to be from an arrow and by the looks of it, the tip was still in his leg.

Suddenly, I had the urge to rush out and help him. If the arrow was Orc made, then it would be likely poisoned. Stop! Ithildae, you are hunting them! No feelings allowed! I scolded myself. This silly game my thoughts were playing with me had to stop.

I continued to watch the dwarves until the moved towards the opposite side of the woods from where I crouched. The sun began to set so I followed them with the intentions of waiting until they were sleeping to strike. Then, I would bring them back.

After they found a place to make camp, I climbed up a tree to watch. As they hurried about gathering wood and keeping watch, I almost wished Tauriel and Prince Legolas were here. Then, I could go ahead and attack them. Waiting for what seemed like forever was incredibly boring.

At last, the darkness covered everything. It was just about for me to make my move. Truthfully, I didn't appreciate the darkness anymore than the normal elf, but this was the best time to do my job.

I scurried down the tree and took cover behind a dark area that the fire didn't illuminate. Slowly, one by one the dwarves fell asleep. Only two dwarves remained. Kili and a different dwarf I didn't know. The only thing odd about him was his head. On the very top he had no hair and it was covered in strange tattoos. I had watched as Kili insisted to help keep watch even though he was injured. For that, I admired him.

I started to become frustrated as neither of them fell asleep. They didn't even look tired! Well, Kili slightly did but the other dwarf looked plenty alert. I decided to wait until Kili fell asleep and then I could sneak up behind the other dwarf secretly.

The dwarf with tattoos startled me by talking, "Kili, I'm gonna go grab more wood for the fire." Kili nodded in acknowledgement but didn't speak. The other dwarf turned to KIli, "Will you be all right, lad?"

I noticed a hint of a scowl come from Kili, "Dwalin," He mumbled, "I'll be fine. Just go."

"Okay then." The dwarf, who's name was Dwalin grunted. He turned away and walked off into the woods. Maybe this was a good time to attack. I considered silently. It might be best if I knocked out Kili while Dwalin was gone...Just then, I heard a loud crack and everything went black.

Dum dum DUM! Suspense! Yay, a cliffhanger! I'm sure you are all so happy with me right now! Haha! Don't worry! The story doesn't end here! I'll update asap:)

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