Chapter Eighteen

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As consciousness came back to me, a whole lot of pain followed it. Instantly, I felt every part of my body loudly groaning at me and demanding attention. I let out a moan and cracked open my eyes, lifting my hand to shield the bright sun that shone down on me.

What had happened? How long had I been out?

With another moan partly from annoyance, I got to my feet and looked around. I was still near the lonely mountain, which lined up with what I remembered last. I had been trying to get away from all the craziness.

I glanced back towards where I had come from, but couldn't see anything past the hill that blocked my view. However, my ears did pick up sounds instantly that I wondered if they had been the reason for me waking up.

I honestly didn't know how I hadn't noticed them right away. The sound was a combination of shouting and yelling, and metal on metal. All together I instantly knew what it meant. The dwarves and elves were at war.

An unseen forced tried to pull me towards the battle, but I resisted. "What are you doing?" I mumbled to myself. "You just left there and now you want to go back? During a war no less?" I shook my head, not understanding what I was feeling. I knew that Kili had something to do with it, but I hated that. I hated that I couldn't stop myself form caring for him.

Finally giving up, I rushed as fast as I could back to the top of the hill where I could overlook what was happening. Crouching down, I peered down into the valley, astonished at the sight. It was elves fighting dwarves, it was elves and dwarves fighting orcs! I had never seen such a sight before in all my life.

But what confused me even more, was the amount of dwarves. It was far more than around ten or so! It was hundreds! I searched the dwarves for anyone that I recognized, but couldn't find a single one. Were they all dead already? Dread pooled in my stomach.

No! They couldn't all be dead. I inwardly scolded myself for acting this way. I just couldn't seem to get a grip on my emotions.

Suddenly, the makeshift wall blocking the entrance to Erebor was smashed to pieces as a giant bell came flying through it from the inside. As the bell swung away, I spotted around ten figures running out of the mountain at full speed, yelling war cries. It was the dwarves! They were alive after all! I could feel myself smiling unintentionally.

I watched as all the other dwarves rallied and made another stand against the quite large group of orcs. The dwarves pushed the orcs back with renewed vigor, gaining some strength and perseverance seemingly out of thin air.

Finally, my eyes locked onto Kili fighting. He was poised and vicious at the same time, killing orc after orc without slowing his swings.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A snide voice startled me and I spun around to see a hunched over goblin grinning, a vicious looking blade in his wrinkled hand.

I reached for my dagger, only to come away empty handed, realization dawning on me. I didn't have any weapons.

I stood still and rigid, waiting for the goblin to make the first move. If I could only disarm him...

The goblin leapt at me, swinging his blade madly and trying to strike me. I barely side stepped and threw the creature aside before he was back on me. I was knocked to the ground and desperately tried to wrench the weapon from his hands all the while doing my best to keep from getting stabbed with it.

We rolled across the ground, neither one able to claim the upper hand, when a sharp rock dug into my back. I cried out and with a surge of energy pushed the goblin off me. He let out a screech and I barely had time to stand before he had jumped back on me.

He swiped the blade across and it nicked my chin, causing blood to gush out and stain my already filthy clothes. I frowned and grabbed his wrist, trying to contain his mad swings but to no avail.

The goblin used his other fist to grab onto my hair and I let out a cry as he yanked it. I released his hand and jumped off me, landing on his feet.

He grinned wickedly, raising the blade to his mouth and running his slimy tongue over the blood-coated surface. I was disgusted, but did my best not to lose focus.

However, something confused me. I should have easily been able to disarm and kill this goblin by now. But for some reason he was proving to be a difficult opponent. Perhaps it was my numerous injuries that I had sustained.

Breaking me from my thoughts, the goblin pounced again. I lifted my arms up to stop him, but he kept coming, using one arm to keep on me and the other to swing his blade at me.

I stumbled backwards, and realized that we had come to the edge of a cliff, the drop being at least thirty or so feet. I grabbed onto the creatures neck and squeezed, finally gaining the upper hand. He let out another screech, desperately trying to remove my hands as I cut off his air supply.

Abruptly, he put his legs against me, trying to push off of my stomach. But I wouldn't let go. He tried once more and I stumbled back a step.

Then, as if in slow motion, I tumbled over the edge of the cliff and towards the ground below.

Wow, what a cliffhanger. Get it? Haha, I am so punny! Hehehehe, man that is so ridiculous I could just laugh forever. I crack myself up!

Okay, enough of that. Sorry for the bad puns, I had to. Now, I hope you enjoyed the story! Please vote, comment, or follow!


P.S. Please go check out the intro chapter of this book to see a really cool character banner I just made:) I love making these now. Like I'm addicted. So if you want one, then DM me or comment on here and I would love to make one for you!

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