Chapter 8

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Natasha's view:

Who was that girl?
I saw in Clint's eyes that he had the  same question was on his mind as I did. According to her threats, she was an important figure or at least had contacts. But we would have noticed something, a kidnapping would have been a scandal and there would probably have been ransom demands. Unless, of course, her family was underground, maybe she worked for the mafia? I quietly whispered my guess to Clint. He frowned and said only that we should not rush, but that it could not be ruled out. Whatever the situation was, we had to free her to clear up everything else.
I gave him a sign to open the door and so he did.
When he opened the door, we jumped around the corner.

The first thing I saw was two men sitting at a table. When Clint and I came in, they jumped up in terror and tried to pull guns. We were faster, though, because they might still be useful if I didn't want to kill them. So I shot one in the shoulder and he collapsed right away, I really expected more, in that time my partner took out the other man.

"Hey, it's really nice to watch you guys finish them off, but I'd really appreciate it if you could untie me here. "

We swirled around and raised our weapons. However, we only saw a young woman, 25 years old at the most, hanging from the ceiling. She had snow-white hair and here eyes were in a matching white tone. Her arms were tied together above her head and around her body was barbed wire that would dig deeper into her skin with every move. She didn't look good at all, what I noticed first was that her entire body was smeared with blood and she looked enormously emaciated, looking closer, I saw deep dark rings under her eyes, as if she hadn't slept for a long time. I ran over to her to untie her.

"Clint, take the barbed wire off her, I'll try to cut the ropes. "

Clint nodded in response, carefully pulling the barbed wire out of her skin, occasionally she was drawing in the air sharply and twitching slightly.

"I've finished, the barbed wire is now completely off. "

I cut the rope and let her down slowly.
When she touched the ground, her legs collapsed and she would have fallen if Clint hadn't caught her fast enough.

"That's how Ariell must have felt when she first used her legs. " The girl murmured quietly under her breath, Clint grinned and lifted her up in bride style.

"Are there any other prisoners here?"

"No, I'm the only one here. There are only a few other people here, my guards thought it wouldnsafe to speak in front of me. "

"That's perfect, you two go ahead, I'll make a download of their data and follow up, be careful. "

With these words, I turned around and went to another room where the computers were. I took downloads of everything and attached dynamite, which would explode on my signal and burn everything within 500 meters to ashes.
When everything was ready, I also went outside, dragging the two guards behind me and climbing the ladder back up into the daylight. I saw Clint and the girl standing in front of me, the girl was sleeping peacefully in his arms, and I had to smile involuntarily at the sight of her. Her white hair blew slightly in the wind and she looked peaceful. I wonder if that was her natural color. I went with my two attachments to the helicopter and got in. Shortly after me, Clint stepped in and gently put the girl down on a bench.

"Did you get anything we could use?"

"Yes, the dynamite is also ready. " As I said that, I pressed the button in my hand and there was a loud roar under the ground. So that would also be cleared up.

He laughed and I gave him a high-five.

"We are still a good team. As ever. "

After he said that, he turned to the sleeping girl.

"Who do you think she is?"

"She sounded as if she had people around her, who cared about whether she was there or not.  And wheather she was harmed or not..."

He rolled his eyes and sat down. About an hour later we reached the Starktower, where we were greeted by everyone else minus Thor.

Clint picked up the woman again and I dragged the two unconscious men after me.

When our teammates saw that we were not alone, they raised their eyebrows.

"Before you ask, these are two Hydra employees and we were hoping to get some information out of them. The woman was a prisoner at Hydra and we took her with us. " I quickly summed up for them.

"She urgently needs a bed to rest and also some of her wounds need to be treated. " Clint turned to our doctor Bruce Banner A. K. A. the Hulk, who was doing much better himself. Sometimes he sufferedfrom his ambivalent mind.
He nodded and disappeared with Clint and the girl to the sick ward of the tower.

"That sounded like a successful mission, that should be celebrated. I kinda regret, that I didn't joing yo. It seemed it hasn't been as tedious as I expected it to be." Called Tony into the silence, after we had all agreed, we went into the kitchen and ordered pizza.

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