Chapter 37

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I quickly disappeared into my room. I had been lucky again. I didn't want to imagine how the Avengers would react if they saw my numerous scars.Once in my room, I immediately went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked incredibly tired and exhausted. I undressed and hissed in pain as I pulled my top over my wound. There was a huge bruise on my hip and it was already yellow and green on the sides. Looking at my shoulder, I exhaled with reassurance. It hadn't been infected. The skin had been destroyed over a large area, due to the explosion, but there was nothing water couldn't heal. As I stood under the warm stream of water, I sighed as I felt the pleasant relief on my muscles. Immediately the wound on my shoulder closed up and my bruise also disappeared. After I was done, I changed my clothes and lay down in bed. Shortly after I closed my eyes, I drifted off into the realm of dreams.

I looked around. The sky was brown with dust and the ground was covered with blood. Immediately I knew where I was. I saw myself, alongside David, leading the Greeks into battle against the giants. The Romans joined us and together we ran as one mass towards the giants. I knew what was going to happen next. I saw Jason flying through the air and stabbing the monsters again and again. When all of a sudden an arrow came out of the crowd. Jason saw who the arrow was aimed at. "Piper" he yelled, but she didn't hear him. So he did the only thing he could to save his love. He threw himself into the trajectory of the arrow, preventing it from piercing Piper's heart from behind. I could still hear the impact of Jason's body hitting the earth. My dream I cried out in pain when she saw that Jason was dead." Jason" Piper now screamed too. "Don't leave me."I heard Gaia laugh as she watched Piper try to get to Jason.Gaia's laugh sounded like when you scratch a chalkboard with a fingernail. Just awful.I saw my dream self reach out and embrace the crying Piper.

Tears welled up in my eyes. If only I had been more attentive.

I continued to look around, unable to watch this any longer. I saw the Stolls, together, stealing the monsters' weapons. I saw an angry Clarisse stabbing a giant with her spear.I continued to look around. Here and there lightning shot down from the sky or skeletons appeared from the ground. Then I saw Hazel. Kampe was standing in front of her and they were dueling. I ran towards her and tried to help, but unfortunately I always reached through her. I saw my dream self trying to get to us, but she stopped it.I heard a smacking sound and saw Kampe pull her sword out of Hazel's chest. Hazel fell lifeless to the ground. Her golden eyes were fixed sightlessly on the sky. If only I had been quicker.

I heard a roar and saw Frank transform into a dragon. He killed all the monsters around him. Eventually, everyone kept their distance from him. All except Polybotes. He hit Frank with his trident and caught him on the side of the head.He pushed Frank to the ground. Frank's gaze was still fixed on Hazel's corpse. Tears were running down his cheek. Polybotes pulled something out of his pocket. It was Frank's stick. He looked Frank in the eye while a sadistic grin appeared on his face. Then he threw the stick into one of the many fires. You could see Frank's eyes widen and he tried to turn. But he was stuck.Then he too went limp and was dead. My dream me looked around to check the situation. When it saw Frank, it screamed and fell to the ground. Another member of her family was dead.If only I had been stronger.

She picked herself up and fought on. Faster and stronger than before.Then I heard a soft whisper. My dream I seemed to hear it even through the noise of the fight. It was Leo. A young half-breed was lying over him and crying." He saved me." My dream me ran to them." Hold on Leo, help is coming right away, hold on." But Leo slowly lowered his head." Percy, it's too late." "No Leo, it's not too late. Apollo." She cried out loudly. Tears running down her cheeks. "Hey Percy, don't cry. Beautiful girls aren't supposed to cry. We're going to see each other again. Please do me a favour. Free Calypso." I just nodded." And kill that mud face. I love you, all of you. But I'm afraid you're gonna have to find yourselves a new handsome Leo." With those words, he died. "No Leo, don't leave me. What am I going to do?" Whispered Dream Me. It gently closed Leo's eyes, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

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