Chapter 20

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A check-up?! No, I wouldn't allow that, I couln't. They  would  ask too many questions and furthermore, I hated everything to do with syringes and blood. I glared at Bruce and walked out of the room. My joy to see Thor again was quickly gone with this news. I went to my room and lay down on my bed. Suddenly, I heard it knocking wildly at my door. I was just about to invite the person in when the door was already ripped open. I saw Clint. "You know, usually people wait for one to allow them come in before they actally open the door. I could have been naked or preparing to escape." I said accusingly. "Well, that's what I thought, when you didn't open." He didn't specify, wheather he was refering to seeing me naked or escaping... "I thought I'd better take a look." He answered. "So what's wrong?" "I'm supposed to take you to the checkup. "
"And you think I don't know the way?" "You're not allowed to run around freely here, you could still be part of a mafia family. " I rolled my eyes. "Please, I don't need a babysitter. I'm old enough to take care of myself. " I got up and promptly stumbled. Clint reacted quickly and caught me. "What was that? Big enough to take care of yourself?" He grinned at me. If I were a child of Aphrodite, I would probably melt away when a muscular, handsome man smiled at me like that. If I were one of her overly dramatic ones, I'd probably have fainted. But I wasn't Aphrodite's child, so I just got up, gave him a nasty look and followed him out the door.

When we got to the lab, he knocked open the door and we joined the others. "Bruce, I really don't need an examination". I tried to convince the doctor. "I've always one apple a day, well sometimes even two." Tony starred at me, not believing, that I just cracked such  bad joke. I winked at him and turned my attention back to Bruce. "Unfortunately, we need a medical certificate to be able to proof that in your file". Bruce replied, looking at me with pity. "But I am fine." I wanted to take a step back, but was stopped by a hand pushing me forward. I looked at Tony, the owner of that hand angryly and I pushed against it. "Percy, we're just going to make it very easy, I just have to look into your ears, eyes. . . and then we're done". I still wasn't completely convinced, but Tony pushed me forward, making that decision  for me. Bruce pointed me to sit on a couch, which I did. In fact, he did nothing but look in my mouth, nose, eyes and ears". That's all good. Have you ever had a broken nose?" He asked me as he examined my nose. "Uhm yes." He nodded and continued with his examination. "When was your last vaccination?" "I don't know". "I have to give you a few more injections to be on the safe side". At the word injections, I opened my eyes and jumped off the couch. "No, no injections, no way. " They looked at me in surprise. Except for Nathan and Clint, who looked at me suspiciously with their lips pressed together. I had to be really careful about what I was doing in their presence. Then I remembered something. "My doctor has probably vaccinated with me, I can just get my things quickly and then it's settled". I smiled hopefully. Bruce nodded slowly. My smile widened and I made a gesture to leave the room. Steve put his hand on my shoulder, right I had forgotten I would be escorted from now on. I suppressed a roll of my eye and went ahead of him into my room. "Why are you afraid of injections?" He looked at me. "I hate that feeling when you get stabbed slowly and painfully in the arm, don't you know it?" Besides, they shouldn't get my blood, it would be noticeable if half of my DNA (the divine half) was missing. He smiled kindly at me, I think I liked him. "I don't like injections either. When I became a super soldier, they put hundreds of them in my body". Just the thought of it made me shudder. When I got to my room, I left Steve outside the door and closed it behind me.
Immediately, I pulled a drachma out of my bag and rushed into the bathroom. I quickly created a    rainbow and threw my coin in it. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, show me Apollo on Mount Olympus." The fog flickered for a moment before I saw him. He sat at one of his many pianos and played a quiet piece. It sounded beautiful. "Hey, Apollo. " I tried to draw his attention to me. He immediately lifted his head and smiled at me. "Seaweedbrain, nice to hear something from you again, how are you?" "I'm fine, listen, I need your help. I'm in the Starktower, they want a medical certificate from me, can you make me one quick? Please?" I looked at him with big puppy eyes. He frowned. "Why are you in the Starktower?" "Long story, but you don't have to worry. I'm fine, they're friends of mine. " Okay, friends Was certainly exaggerated, but they weren't enemies. Apollo nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll make you one. Wait a sec. " With these words he briefly closed his eyes and next to me appeared a yellow sheet of paper. "Thank you, Apollo, you're the best." I grinned at him, it was very handy to have gods as friends. "Everything for my dearest cousin. "He winked at me. "But as payment, I may come and visit you once, whenever it suits me, I will bring Hermes with me." I thought for a moment, I wasn't completely ready for my old life, but Apollo and Hermes were friends to me, like Thalia and Nico. EVenthough I wasn't sure, wheather I was allowed to have ffriends over I wassure Apollo  could charm them into letting them stay. So I just nodded and waved through the rainbow. After I took the sheet of paper,I got up and went back to my room. Steve just knocked on the door. I opened quickly and came out to him. "I'm sorry you had to wait, I had to look for it, I'm not the most organised person in the world... " He looked at me skeptically, but then went ahead of me to the others who had gathered in the living room. Once there, he sat down next to Natasha on a bar stool. I let my gaze wander around the room, Clint leaned against the wall, arms folded in front of his chest, Tony sat on a designer sofa and smiled at me nicely before turning back to the TV. I was just about to go over to Thor and Bruce, to show him my paper, when the news caught my attentiont.

"There were powerful gas explosions. However, unlike those that were in Long Island four months ago, where 245 teenagers from neighbouring camp died." When I heard that, the sheet fell out of my frozen hands and I started to sway. 245 I had never asked for a number, never wanted to know. "It was the explosion that killed Piper McLean, daughter of the famous actor. " Couldn't the woman just keep quiet? When a picture of a laughing Piper was displayed, it was completely over with me. I could still see the ground coming towards me, I could still feel two strong arms catching me before I touched the ground. All I could hear were worried voices calling out my name again and again, before everything went black.

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