Chapter 53

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I must have looked like a camel when I saw the Avengers. With a well-aimed shot to the head, Nat took down the first man. She rushed to us and cut Clint loose. He came over to me and opened my cuffs. I looked over at Matt who was in a fight with Tony. Tony was shooting a repulsor beam at him when Matt made a bronze shield appear in front of him. The beam bounced off and flew back to Tony. It hit him in the chest with full force and he flew into the wall where he remained. When I was finally free, I ran to him while the others fought off the masses of Hydra agents. When I reached Tony, I knelt down next to him and tapped his helmet. Immediately Tony straightened up. "How, where? What?" he stammered. His gaze slid back and forth unfocused. "Tony, what day is it?" "Wednesday?" "What's your name?" "Anthony Stark" "Who is the most beautiful person in this room?" "Me, of course." "He's fine guys, just a good knock on the head."I helped him up.He swayed a little for a moment before standing up safely and running to Steve who was having some trouble with the Hydra agents in front of him. I looked around for someone who needed help, but everyone was coping well. Steve and Tony were winning against the agents in front of them like they were nothing, Nat was in the corner shooting at anything that got too close. Clint stood next to her and also shot at approaching men with his bow. There was no sign of Thor and Bruce, but a few screams could be heard from the hallway again and again....I looked around for a weapon but found nothing useful. I heard Natasha whistle and turned to her. She held up one of her pistols and threw it to me. Gratefully, I nodded to her and set about shooting at Hydra agents.Slowly the fight shifted outside. It was impossible to tell who had the upper hand, but we were doing pretty well.I looked around and saw the jet standing a few hundred metres away. Why had they parked so far away!!!We ran towards the nearby forest and took cover behind the trees.A sudden gunshot made me flinch.I took my pistol and came out from behind my tree. There was a click when I heard prints and instead of a bang. Confused, I shook the pistol and fired again, again just a click. I groaned in annoyance and ran to drop the pistol. Then I had to do it the old-fashioned way. I was getting ready to give these people a good bashing when I was pulled back by the waist."Not you my dear." I looked up at Tony indignantly, "What do you mean not me?" "You don't have any weapons, how do you imagine that? I doubt they will run at the sight of you. No, you're coming with me." Before I could say anything else he took off and flew to a tall tree. "You can get a good look from up here." I couldn't see his face but knew he had a mischievous grin on his lips.He waved at me once more before making his exit. I groaned in annoyance. How could Tony think a tree would prevent me from helping my friends who were in this shit because of me?So I started to climb back down the tree. The lava wall at camp had given me pretty good training.I was shimmying down the branches when it happened. It cracked and suddenly I was in free fall. I didn't have time to scream because I was caught by two rock-hard arms. Or should I say metal-hard arms? "What did I tell you, young Lady? When we get back home, you are grounded." I gave Tony my best puppy eyes. " Thanks for asaving me, you are the best." "I know I'm great, you don't have to fall right into my arms. Always have to save you." He muttered softly to himself, probably I wasn't supposed to hear that, but he was right somewhere."I see, it is hopeless with you. Legolas, catch!" He threw me through the air and thankfully Clint caught me. "Thanks." "You're always welcome. I especially like saving beautiful women." He winked slightly at me and I blushed. "Look out for her." With this words he got into the air and flew to the next agents.I heard footsteps before Clint pulled me towards a nearby bush. "Hydra agents" Together we huddled behind the bush. I could feel his steady heartbeat against my back as he wrapped his arms around me to pull me even closer. "I'm glad you're okay." He whispered in my ear. I turned to him and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. I'm also glad they didn't hurt us. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys.... About my family." Clint made a throwing away hand gesture." Forgiven and forgotten. " I smiled gratefully at him. Slowly he moved closer and kissed me. I pulled him closer to me. He sighed softly and ran his hands through my hair. I felt a stone fall from my heart. I had been afraid he would resent me for not telling him.The feet stopped in front of our hiding place and a red-haired woman I knew very well bent down to us.

When she saw us, she raised an eyebrow. "As much as I hate to disturb you, the fight is over."With our heads held high, we emerged from the bush and saw the others standing in front of us. Fortunately, everyone was fine."The fight is over." The captain said. "Right. Um to clarify, we risked our lives in combat here," Tony started, pointing to himself, Nat, Thor, Steve and Bruce. "While you guys." he pointed at us. "Were doing it in the bush." My head turned even redder. "We weren't doing anything. " I said. Tony looked at my hair in disbelief."" That's right, and I'm the Emperor of China. "We didn't do any- " I started again but was interrupted by Clint as he wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear. "There's no point. And actually, he isn't completely wrong." Indignantly, I glared at him. "Dude, don't stab me in the back now." Behind me, Tony was having the laughing fit of his life.Steve cleared his throat. "We should go before it's too late. And you" Once again I was pointed at. Honestly hadn't their mothers taught them that you don't point at other people?"You have some explaining to do." I swallowed and nodded at them. "I guess you're right."

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