Chapter 15

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Percy :

When I saw Clint and Natasha standing there, I began to smile, I had not forgotten that they were the ones saving me. "Agent Colman, the prisoner is not to blame for this incident, she was the victim in this situation. " Said Natasha and looked at Colman furiously. "I have to politely disagree." You could see how uncomfortable Agent Colman was. It was obvious that Natasha outranked him.

"From my perspective, it wasn't hard to notice, that she twisted his wrist until it broke. While the other prisoner suffers from a broken wrist and Miss Harper is unscathed, it seems to obvious, who  the real victim is in this situation. Therefore I recommend a punishment of a week without any further food."

Outraged, I raised my eyebrows, but what the hell, I had my horn and I wasn't hungry any more anyway. "Miss Harper, please follow me now. " I saw from the corner of my eye Natasha grimacing and glaring at me, she probably didn't like the name Harper. . . I picked up my tray and made my way to the exit, when suddenly I felt a hand grapping my ass, I swirled around and saw my neighbor standing right there. I glared at him and kicked him against his knee. Seems as if this douchebag wasn't capable of understanding a no. Not even his broken wrist prevented him from doing anything stupid. Suddenly Clint showed up behind him. "Keep your hands to yourself or a broken wrist won't be only thing you suffer from.", he hissed in his ear. Grateful and surprised I looked at him. I wanted to thank him, but Agen COlman grabbed my arm and lead me back to my room.

6 hours later

This time, Agent Carter came into my room, dragged me out of the room. Our destination turned out to be a training hall, I smiled slightly, I urgently needed to get rid of some energy My ADHD was killing me. "You have three hours to do something here, sports equipment is in the locker. " He put a key in my hand. "You are forbidden to talk to anyone or to hurt anyone" as he walked away he called over his shoulder "Don't forget, we'll keep an eye on you. " I rolled my eyes and went to the locker. I opened it and pulled out a sports shirt, trousers and shoes. I quickly changed and ran into the hall. The sight overwhelmed me, it was a huge hall full of modern sports equipment, here and there trained agents and also other prisoners. I ran to a punching bag and hit it, not as hard as I could, no, that would have been too noticeable, as my strength and speed exceeded that of humans. I struck again and imagined it was Gaia. Immediately I became angry and sad at the same time, I hated that filthy face, she had taken everything I loved. I hit again, this time a little harder, the bracket started to shake, the bag threatenig to fall off and so I left it and went to the treadmill.

I set it to the fastest level and ran, I had to get faster, if I had been faster, I would have been able to save my friends, I didn't want to lose the rest of my friends too. I felt tears running down my cheeks, it still hurt to think of them, of the beautiful moments, of the laughter. . . I wanted to run faster, I was far from reaching my limit. Remembering where I was, I wipped the tears from my face and left the treadmill going on to a climbing wall, when I saw it, I laughed, it was nothing compared to the one at camp too much. I started climbing and had reached the top a short time later, from above I looked around. There were not many agents left, a few of them were watching me and the other inmates. I jumped off the wall and rolled off on the ground. My next destination was the duel arena. I stood in line and waited for a partner. After some  minutes a black, huge man with large muscles arrived. The most eye catching about him were his tatoos. I grinned when  I saw the tatoo on his arm,a little princess in a pink dress fighting Mickey Mouse, that was trying to steel her crown. When  he noticed me looking, he smiled. "My little daughter is obsessed with princesses, her favourite is Cinderella." I starred at him in disbelieve "That's so cool, but honestly, Arielle is by faar better than Cinderella." He started laughing. "Okay, what do you say,  the winner is right. If you win, I'll convince my daughter, that Arielle is the best. If I win,  you'll have to tell everyone  that Cinderella is your Idol, while walking with just one shoe." I grinned and stretched out my hand. "SOunds like a fair deal." He took my hand I followed him into the arena.  On my way, I noticed Clint fighting Natasha, they were pretty good. I turned to my opposite and went into my fighting position. "Any rules other than not killing?"

He rolled his eyes. "I don't know what about you, but personally I would  like to keep all of my limbs. So please, also no serious injuries." I nodded, I wasn't planning on hurting him anyways.  He also went into his fightin position, raising his fists in front of his face. His advantage was obviously his strength, but he seemed to be a fairly inexperienced fighter. When he started to strike, I blocked him with ease. As predicted, he was very strong. I dropped myself to the ground and hit him with his legs, immediately I jumped up again and ran towards him. He was still trying to regain his balance when I reached him. I jumped on him, wrapping my  legs around his neck. With a lot of exertion, I managed to throw him on the mat. "As soon as he clapped, signaling that he surrendered, I jumped up and gave him my hand, which he gladly took. I could feel eyes on me, so I turned around to see Clint and Natasha watching me with astonished and mistrusting looks on their faces. Confused I truned around again, remembering our bet.

"I guess you'll soon have a little Arielle Fangirl in your house." He grimaced but nodded. "You really don't struck me as someone that should be in prinson, what happened, if I might ask?" He shrugged his shoulders. "It's a bit embarrassing. I was buying my little sweetheart a new toy, but the guy refused to give it to me. He said that he wouldn't sell to a black person." I grimaced, I hated it when people were mistreated due to their skincolour. "Well, I got angry and reached into my jacket. I intended to  show him a picture of my girl, to show that every kid should have something to play with, regardless of their skin colour. The problem was that a police officer nearby misunderstood my intentions and thought, that I was reaching for a gun. He arrested me without even hearing my side  of the story. Now I  have to wait, until a judge will listen to me." 

He was silent after that. I felt heat rushing through me and my hands starting to shake. "I am so deeply sorry, it is really disgusting, how some people are acting. I wish I could do something beside of saying, that they clearly arrested the wrong guy." He smiled weakly. "It's okay, don't worry. It is a burden I lived wih my whole life. It won't get easier, but you'll learn to live with it." "Of course you learn that, but you really shouldn't have to, noone should  have to justify something, they have no control over." A memory flashed in front of my eyes, Leo fireing at New Rome. Oh how I hated him in that moment. Eventhough I knew he wasn't to blame, it took me some time to accept that. Nobody was perfect, but everyone should at least try. I  wanted to continue our conversation, as I felt a hand on my arm.

"Time is up, take a shower, change and then we'll go back to your room." "But-" I started, but Carter already dragged me to the showers. I waved back to the man, sadly realising that I didn't even ask for his name.

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