Chapter 1 Superstars

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"Jay! Jay Gordon! Over here! Smile!"

"Oh my gosh! It's him!"

"Jay! Can you sign my t-shirt!?" 

The freckle-faced teen smiled wide behind a pair of shades. He waltzed down the red carpet in a rather fancy suit. 

"Alright, alright, one at a time," he spoke while passing the screaming girls and photographers. The young man snatched a pen from a fan and gave out several autographs on his way towards the front doors. 

When he past a group of reporters, though, one voice grabbed his attention.

"Hey! Jay Gordon!" the young man turned to find another teen right behind the velvet rope. She held a pad of paper and pencil with a camera around her neck. Her short raven hair was messy, most likely from having to squeeze her way to the front. The young man smiled towards the girl and stopped. 

"Like an autograph too?" he asked.

The other teen frowned. 

"Uh, no. I wanted to ask you what you think about the rumors surrounding your family and shady investments," she answered, holding a pen to her pad of paper. Jay stared blankly at the girl, raising an eyebrow at her words. He then chuckled.

"Maybe you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet, okay?" he replied over the other voices around them. 

"Tell that to the money trails investigators are following. And let's not forget the dropping in sales from you and your father's movies. Care to explain that? Or are you just as guilty as your rich daddy?" the girl spat.

Jay took a step back from the agitated teen. A few security guards were ushering the young actor forward, but Jay stopped them. He replaced his anger with huge laugh and then turned towards the other reporters. 

"Looks like somebodies been watching too many movies. Glad you like my work, though, cutie~" 

Jay's words caused the other reporters to laugh before they tried to swamp the teen with more questions. 

The young star was about to continue his walk when--


The freckle-faced teen stumbled back when he was struck right in the cheek. A collective number of gasps and camera flashes covered the area. Jay whipped his head around to find the raven-haired girl now being held back by security guards. The actor gritted his teeth while still holding his swollen cheek.

"What's wrong with you!?" he spat as the girl was being dragged away. 

"Worth it, jerk!" she shouted while she didn't fight the guards. Another security guard then walked over to the famous teen. 

"Are you alright, sir?" he asked. Jay stood where he was, still watching the crazy teen go. A part of him dwelled on her words and accusations, but he soon shrugged it off. 

"Uh... yeah, thanks. I... let's go," Jay answered before heading towards the doors. 

At the same time, two figures stood away from the crowd. One wore a hood over her head while the other had a straw hat instead. 

"Really? You want those two?" the redhead asked underneath her shades. 

"Yes, is that so surprising?" the older gentleman questioned with a smile as they turned to head down the sidewalk. Several civilians past them on this busy day.

"Well, yeah... she's got a temper, and he's... kinda spoiled. I know you said that they're elemental masters, but there has to be others who better qualify--"

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