Chapter 9 Road Block

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Song Inspiration: Good Tonight (From "The Bad Guys")

Artist: Daniel Pemberton


She was fast... too fast.

The crazed woman, who her teammates referred to as Ultra Violet, was already jabbing her sai at the earth master as soon as he got to his feet.

Cole dodged as much as possible, but he could feel his coat tearing by the blades. As her weapons grew dangerously close to his skin, Cole's mind began to panic. He could come up with only one counter attack.

"Argh!" Ultra Violet spat when Cole's heavy backpack was slammed right into her stomach. She toppled onto the ground, huffing from rage. The earth master attempted to run past her, but that's when he felt a hand grab his ankle. Before he could even look back, he face planted into the snow, smacking his chin against the freezing liquid.

Cole turned his body only to see Ultra Violet crawling out from underneath the gigantic backpack and towering over him. She raised her sai with an unnaturally wide grin.


Within a blink of an eye, ice consumed Violet's weapon, along with most of her arm. The crazed woman stared at her now frozen limb. Both her and Cole then turned to the source of the blast. Cole smiled at the android before the two were whisked back into their separate battles. Cole, once again, kicked his attacker off and raised his fists in defense.

At the same time, Seliel was struggling against her foe. The redhead might not have been very fast with her dagger, but she made up for it with tricks and gadgets. Seliel's katana had already been disintegrated by one blast from one of her attacker's wristwatches. Seliel growled under her breath before bringing out a second katana.

"What are you? Some kind of spy from the movies?" the ninja taunted, gripping her blade tightly.

"Nah, just a genius," Stellar replied.

"You're not the only genius," Seliel replied before tossing a smoke pellet towards her opponent.

In the smoke cloud, the ninja took a swing and caught Stellar's dagger. The two weapons clashed before the redhead lost her grip. The dagger hit the snow, and when the smoke cleared, Seliel was standing behind Stellar and had her katana to her throat.

"Don't move... I want some answers," the ninja muttered from underneath her mask.

"Answers? How about a lesson instead."

Seliel flinched. Stellar had gripped her wrist, and she felt a needle seep into her skin. She released the redhead and stumbled back.

"What did you just..." Seliel trailed off when her surroundings began to waver and swirl.

Eventually, the snow changed into cotton candy, and the sky turned purple.

Stellar then slowly morphed into a giant cartoony rabbit.

The white and pink rabbit glared with pure red eyes, making Seliel step back more.

"Venomari v-venom," Seliel guessed as her gaze glowed green.

"Wow, you are smarter than you look," the rabbit spoke before hopping forward.

"Just not smart enough," the fluffy creature finished before sending a punch right in Seliel's face.

The ninja fell to the ground, her head hitting the pink cotton candy. She blinked slowly as her surroundings wavered more and more. The talking rabbit hopped closer, sighing with a frown.

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