Chapter 4 "Better" than Ever

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A/N: Okay... think I burnt myself out from writing (don't worry, I really enjoyed writing this chapter) but I am definitely stopping until this summer (at least for this book). Maybe I'll do some more writing from now until then (Definitely plan on writing a new chapter of Heroes in the Shadows next), but there are no promises. So! I made an extra long chapter for you guys. Now, on with the story!



Lloyd stepped outside his high school.

Dozens of teens raced past him, ready to escape their 'prison'.

The blonde strolled down the steps when he spotted his limo in the distance. His driver waved towards him, but another person grabbed his attention.

"Uncle?" Lloyd asked the figure only a few feet in front of him. The old man smiled towards the teen.

"Hello, nephew. I was wondering if I could walk you home, instead," Wu asked, stroking his beard.

Lloyd glanced between his uncle and the limousine. After a brief pause, he nodded towards his family member.

"Uh, sure." The teen then waved down the limo driver. The gentleman tipped his cap to the teen before hopping inside the vehicle to drive off.

"It's been a while since we've talked," Wu stated as the two began their stroll down the sidewalk.

"Yeah, it has," Lloyd replied, glancing at the sidewalk.

"I am sorry for being so absent. I've been attending to some other matters. I do hope, though, that you have thought about my proposal," the old man continued, looking at the teen.

Lloyd grew a frown.

"About me moving in with you, in your monastery?"

"Yes, your mother and I have talked about it, possibly living there when summer comes. She thinks it could be a good opportunity."

The green teen shifted his focus back to the ground. The noisy sounds of the city couldn't drown out his own conflicted thoughts.

Lloyd knew of his secret heritage. He knew his uncle and even his father had elemental powers, just like him. However, the young man also did not want to disappoint his father. Though his uncle had good intentions, Lloyd just couldn't go with him to learn more of what his father had labelled as 'forbidden'.

"I'm sorry Uncle Wu... I just-- I have friends here, a girlfriend. I can't just leave it all, even if it is only for the summer," Lloyd replied after a slow sigh.

A brief pause filled the air between them, but the old man grew a gentle smile.

"Of course, Lloyd. You have a life here. It is your choice... just know that my door is always open," Wu said before placing a hand on the young teen's shoulders. Lloyd gave a small smile in return, but he still kept his attention on the ground.

"How is that girlfriend of your's?" Lloyd finally snapped out his thoughts and looked at his uncle.

"Oh, uh, she's great, actually. Heh, she saved my skin today by doing my half of our project when I forgot," the teen replied while rubbing the back of his neck, cheeks slightly pink.

"Hm, well I hope you make it up to her," Wu answered, giving his nephew the parental stare.

"Don't worry, uncle. I'm taking her out for dinner as a thank you," Lloyd said with a soft chuckle.

"Now that's my nephew," Wu answered with a wider smile. The two shared a quick laugh while they continued on with their walk through the city.


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