Chapter 6 Waves of Tar

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Song Inspiration: To My Parents
Artist: Anna Clendening


Nya was speechless. Like, literally speechless. 

Every time she opened her mouth, nothing could muster its way up her throat and out to the guests only five feet in front of her. 

"Nya, this is Wu. He's a family friend," Aunt Kumo said, painfully aware of her niece's shock. The older woman then motioned a hand over to the redhead. "And this is... Uh, I'm so sorry. What was it again?"

"Skylor," the other teen answered. She then turned towards the ravenette. A smile grew on her lips.

"Nice to see you again." 

Finally, Nya snapped back into reality with a narrowed gaze, focusing solely on the redhead.

"Hi..." she mumbled. 

"You two know each other?" Aunt Kumo continued, ignoring the stare-off. Skylor shifted her gaze back to the guardian.

"Yes, we met at school a couple of days ago." 

Nya's eye began to twitch at the teen's stretch of truth.

That was the last straw.

"Nya, why don't you come--" Kumo was cut off when the teen stormed off down the hall. "Nya!"


The slamming door rattled the group to the bone. Aunt Kumo let out a small sigh, deflating like a balloon.

"I think she's mad about something I said to her before. Is it okay if I go talk to her?" Skylor asked. After receiving a quick nod, the redhead got to her feet and headed down the hall. 

There was a pause between the two adults. Once she heard the sound of the door clinking shut, though, Aunt Kumo focused back on Wu with a frown. All the politeness from before had evaporated within seconds.

"Alright, what do you want now?" she asked. 

"It's nothing I want. I just came to offer a proposal," Wu countered, keeping his gentle tone.

"Not interested in marrying a bushel of hair, thank you!" Aunt Kumo spat. This caused the old master to chuckle.

"You always were one for witty comebacks."

"Only when I think someone is talking a bunch of bull. Quit beating around the bush, Wu. I know this has something to do with Nya. What is it?" Kumo uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, squinting her gaze at the elemental. Wu looked at her for a moment before turning to grab a cup of tea off the coffee table.

"Actually, this has to do with both the Gushiken siblings..."

Kumo's face went blank as she processed his words. When they finally clicked, her mouth fell open.

"You want to train them, make them fight villains."

"I'm not making anyone do anythin-"

"NO!" Kumo nearly screamed. She stood up and pointed a finger towards her old mentor.

"I'm not letting you turn two teenagers into weapons for you to throw into battle!"

"Kumo, you know that's not what I want," Wu replied, lowering his cup again.

"Really? You have a funny way of showing it. Look what happened when Ray and Maya followed your teachings."

"Kumo!" Wu exclaimed, his voice breaking. 

"I already put Nya in enough danger keeping your stupid map around! Here, take the old thing and go!" Kumo demanded as she rushed over to the bookshelf in the corner. The ravenette snatched a parchment from behind and tossed it onto the coffee table. The paper unrolled, and Wu stared at the ancient markings with shaky breath.

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