Chapter 13 Just Like You

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Song Inspiration: Give Me Your Eyes

Artist: Brandon Heath


"Tell us where the ninja are, Oni."

There was a pause in the air.

Mystake narrowed her gaze at the shapeshifter, who held her wrist in place. She looked to her right to find the other two strangers nearing her. One carried a wide grin while the other slowly reached for the dagger on his belt.

Mystake then shifted her gaze over to Kim, who froze on the spot from behind the counter. The young one tried to hold her ground, but Mystake could see the color draining from the preteen's cheeks. With a slow nod towards her apprentice, the tea lady put all her focus back on the redhead.

"No one. Touches me." the elder muttered before snatching up the woman's arm. Mystake twisted her body and tossed Stellar into a shelf of tea bags. The redhead slammed against the wood with a loud thud, causing several boxes and even the giant shelf to fall on top of her as she crumbled to the ground.

"Hiyah!" the second woman screamed after ripping off her cloaking bracelet. The once blonde lady was replaced with the psychotic Ultra Violet. She came racing up to Mystake with two sai, slashing them in all different directions.

"Throw me my staff would you, Kimmy?" Mystake asked as she dodged the quick blows to her face. Kim blinked a few times, snapping out of her trance of terror, before picking up a wooden staff from underneath the counter. She tossed the weapon to her elder, and Mystake snatched it just in time for the third stranger to enter the fight. He kept his cloaking bracelet on, but his movements were even faster than Violet's. His dagger clashed against her staff before he kicked her to the ground. Mystake rolled over right as Violet's sai came crashing down. The elder then jumped back to her feet and grabbed a hold of a suspended light just above the counter. She swung back and used the momentum to kick the man, who ended up slamming against another shelf of tea products. After swinging back around, Mystake dropped on top of Ultra, and the two began to tussle towards the front of the store. They then quickly stood up and continued clashing their weapons. At the same time, Stellar managed to pull her top half from underneath the debris. While Mystake was busy disarming Ultra, Stellar freed both her arms and pressed a button on her wristwatch.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Mystake stopped. She looked down at the hand Stellar had once grabbed. There was a tiny metal piece attached to her sleeve that began flashing red. Panic spread across the elder's face before-


A small explosion blasted in Mystake's face, causing her to be flung against the door. The elder fell to the floor, dropping her staff. Before She could even stand back up, the cloaked man, Mr. E, pointed his dagger towards her face.

"Don't move," he whispered. The elder's face contorted.

His voice sounded... familiar.

"Mystake-Ah! Let me go!"

Mystake snapped out of her thoughts and turned towards the counter. Ultra Violet wrapped one arm across Kim's shoulders and pointed a sai to the preteen's face.

Rage soon filled the elder's gaze. Before she could even fully process the situation, Mystake eyes illuminated with a violet hue, and she growled towards Ultra with unnaturally sharp fangs.

"Ohoho, now someone's cutting loose," Ultra said with a chuckle.

"Tell us what we need to know, Mystake," Stellar continued after finally getting back to her feet. The redhead eyed Ultra for a moment with flaring anger before focusing back on Mystake.

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