Chapter 18 Fading Away

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Song Inspiration: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Artist/Cover: Pentatonix


<3 Months Later>

The end of the summer was drawing closer, and the large team of ninja was growing more and more prepared for their fight ahead. 

"So here is what we know..." Skylor explained as the whole group stood around the dining table. Several papers and maps covered their space. Dareth brought over a couple snacks from the kitchen. After setting them down on the side, he stood by Wu and Skylor at the head of the table with growing excitement. Skylor then continued. "My father is the most influential person in Ninjago, not counting Mayor Garmadon or the Royal Family."

"Chen owns 2/3s of the businesses of Ninjago City, and he is likely going after the remaining companies that are owned by Borg Industries," Wu added. He used his wooden staff to circle the areas on the city map.

"If that's the case, then it's a possibility that he's working with or is at least aware of those experiments in that lab I was in, and since we mapped out the route I escaped that night, it's even more likely that the Royal Family has the lab in the base of their palace," Morro said. He walked across the table and used his paw to point out the route, which was highlighted in green. 

"But Harumi would have told me if her parents were doing something horrible like that," Lloyd said as he stared down at the map.

"Wow, a teenage relationship that's not completely built on honesty? Take a hint, brat, your girlfriend isn't a saint," Morro growled, not looking at the teen.

"Hey! Don't talk like you know her," Lloyd spat while pointing his finger at the feline. Morro hissed and walked over to him.

"Or what? How about I possess you, so I can punch that big head of yours around and finally knock some sense into you?" Morro asked with a bitter smile.

"I'd like to see you try, or did you forget about my ring? You emo little-"

"Okay, okay, enough!" Cole spat from next to Lloyd. He glared at the bickering duo. "We're going to be dealing with some pretty powerful enemies soon, and we can't afford to have you two arguing."

"Cole is right. Whatever problems you two have been having lately needs to end, now!" Wu demanded, stomping his staff against the floor for emphasis. 

"You do not get to tell me what to do, Wu..." Morro muttered with growing hatred. He glared at his old sensei. Wu, though, met the feline's gaze not with equal hatred. Instead, he showed concern with his knitted brow. This broke the feline's cold demeanor. He then let out a sigh.

"My point is, whether the Princess What's Her Face knows about the lab or not, it's very likely the King and Queen are involved," Morro finished, ignoring the irritated look he was getting from the blonde. 

"So that means we have Chen, the Royals, and the mayor possibly all working together?" Jay guessed, growing slightly pale by the realization. He then chuckled. "Greaaat, why not include a few more dictators while we're at it?"

"Don't forget about my mom... She's somehow connected to Chen too," Cole added with a somber tone. Jay then pinched the bridge of his nose from the realization, but he soon sighed and patted the teen on the back.

"Okay, we know who's working with who, so what do we do then? Do we know what they're planning with that lab or what Chen's possible scheme is?" Nya asked, switching her attention between Skylor and Wu.

"Well, I know they were trying to extract my powers in that lab, and I even overheard the scientists talking about attempting to transfer it to other humans," Morro explained before sitting on a small pile of papers on the table. 

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