Chapter 12 Under My Skin

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Song Inspiration: Fight Song

Artist: Rachel Platten


"You think you can do this without me?

You have gone too far now.

We made a plan, and we need to finish it.

For the safety of Ninjago-

-for the safety of your family..."


"You couldn't defeat Grief-Bringer without me,

what makes you think you could do this without my help either?"

A flash of green blasted through the darkness when-


"AH!" Cole screamed over an enormous trumpet sound that blared through the halls of the monastery. The teen jolted awake and completely stumbled out of bed with a loud thud!

"Ow..." he moaned before untangling himself out of his blankets. He blinked a few times, rubbing his head while the strange dream started flooding back to him.

"Who was..." he muttered before wincing again at the growing trumpet call. Once Cole rose to his feet and exited his room, Kai rushed out of the bedroom next to his with hands covering his ears.

"What is this? Boot camp?!" he cried in annoyance with his ruffled hair and red-checkered pajamas.

"What!?" Cole asked. The trumpet cancelled out all other noise.

Nya then dragged herself out of her room with a tangled mess of hair, wearing a tank-top and shorts.

"I swear if this is Skylor's idea of training us..." she muttered.

"What!?" Cole asked again before following the siblings to the front porch. He nearly tripped over his baggy sweatpants as he walked down the wooden step.

Outside, Vania and Skylor stood in the center of the courtyard, already dressed for the day. The older teen held a clipboard while Vania continued blaring a golden trumpet.

The two androids were outside with them, already dressed as well, watching as the rest of their teammates crawled out into the morning light.

Vania finished her trumpet solo and smiled wide.

"How'd I do? I've been practicing."

Chompy jumped in approval just below her feet.

"Morning everyone, time for your first day of training, aka the rest of your lives," Skylor said with a grin.

"You couldn't have woken us up like a normal person?" Nya whined while she rubbed her eyes.

"Nope, when the sun's awake, so are ninja."

"But... the trumpet?" Kai snapped. He narrowed his gaze towards the smug redhead.

"Vania wanted to practice," Skylor replied, grinning from ear-to-ear.

A pause flooded throughout the courtyard while the siblings seemed to glare even harder at the amber ninja.

"I'm making some coffee," Nya mumbled before turning to leave.

"Coffee's already made, as well as breakfast. Afterwards, we all have chores to do," Skylor stated while pointing to her clipboard.

"Chores?" Cole asked. He was already inching towards the direction of the kitchen.

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