Chapter 2 School Sucks

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Within the walls of Ninjago City's private school, Middletown High, there was an unspoken rule.

It was similar to all other typical high schools: outcasts on the bottom while popular on the top.

No one, though, dared to even look at one kid in particular: Lloyd Garmadon.

Being the son of the mayor had its perks.

No bullies, no waiting in lunch lines, and definitely didn't need a hall pass.

However, being the most popular also meant being the most intimidating, and Lloyd knew this.

Every time he walked down the hallway, eyes would be on him. People would go quiet. Teens would dash out of the way to escape his path. The young man frowned at this, but he kept his head up, wanting to set a good example for his father.

On a typical week day, Lloyd headed to his locker, bag thrown over his shoulder. He opened to grab his books when a figure leaned on the lockers next to him.

"Got arrested yesterday?" Lloyd asked the person, not turning away from his open locker.

"Maybe... Totally not my fault, though."

"Sure, sure, and I'm guessing the guy asked you to punch him?"


Lloyd finally looked to see his best friend, Nya Gushiken. The young lady wore the standard uniform for girls, but she wore pants instead of a skirt.

"Your aunt ground you for life?" he asked with a slight smirk. Nya scoffed before standing up straight again.

"I'm surprised she doesn't throw me in that lousy reform school with my stupid brother..."

"That's because you didn't get sent to juvenile deten--" Lloyd stopped once she noticed the raised eyebrow from the raven-haired girl.

"Got it, rhetorical question... sorry." His face fell, though, when he noticed the girl staring at the ground. "You visiting him today?"

"Yup... don't think he'll see me, though."

"Well, that's his problem if he doesn't, right?"

Nya looked up and smiled at the blonde.

"Right, thanks..."

"No problem," Lloyd replied before shutting his locker.

"Hey Lloyd!" a voice called out. The young teen turned before nearly getting tackled into a hug. Speaking of another student that no one dared to mess with--

"Hey Harumi," Lloyd said with a bright smile. The shorter blonde let go of the young man and grinned at him.

"I just finished my half of that project we're doing for physics," she said with a hand on her hip. The color on Lloyd's face suddenly drained.

"Crud! I completely forgot about that. Isn't it due tomorrow!?" Lloyd spat, but the tiny princess brushed him off.

"Don't worry. I figured you were busy with all the events our parents have been making us attend this week, so I did your half for you," Harumi replied before handing him a folder. The green teen looked down for a moment before focusing back on the young lady.

"Rumi! You're a life savior, thank you!" he said before hugging the teen in front of him.

"Ah, don't mention it. You'll just have to treat me to dinner, right?" she asked, looking up at him. The green teen smiled again before dipping down to give the girl a quick kiss.

"Definitely, how about tomorrow at 8?" he asked once they separated. Harumi released his hand before walking backwards down the hall.

"Sounds like a plan."

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