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Song Inspiration: A Million Dreams (From "The Greatest Showman")

Artist: Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, and more


Cole let out a gasp. He opened his eyes, seeing nothing but blue skies above him. He stared at the scenery for a moment, allowing himself to catch his breath as a warm breeze ruffled his hair. He then lifted himself up slowly, expecting to feel pain. Yet, he sat up with perfect ease. He ran a hand through his hair while a whirl of thoughts flashed through his mind. 

What happened... I was using my power and...

Cole stopped. Connecting his last memory to the current sight of angelic, grassy fields before him made his heart sink. "Did... Did I die?"

"You almost did. In a very flashy way, I'd say too." Cole whipped his head around at the sudden new voice. His eyes widened when he spotted a familiar face approaching him from behind. 

"Mystake? What are you doing here? Actually, w-where is here?" he asked the old woman before standing to his feet. 

The tea expert smiled. Cole took notice that she was no longer using a cane to walk, and she even tipped her straw hat in greeting as if she had an extra spring in her step. "Ah, well, when a sorcerer in the dark arts uses his power to control your body, your spirit kind of drifts between the mortal world and the eternal one." Cole's brow knitted with deeper confusion, making the usually cranky woman laugh. "I know, I know, it confuses me too."

The earth ninja then paused, glancing at his surroundings one more time. "So, am I in..."

"Heaven? I'd say so."

"But, you said I'm not dead."

"Yes, right, well, the dark magic that corrupted both you and me complicated a few things," Mystake said as she cast her gaze to the ground. Her smile faltered ever so slightly before looking back up at the teen. "My spirit drifts because of the magic currently controlling my body for that despicable man's tournament, but you... That green magic that infected your powers would have killed you, had you not reached your true potential in that same moment."

Cole's brow flew upward from the information while he looked down at his hands. "I... I reached my true potential?"

"Yes, instead of giving into your anger towards your mother, instead of allowing yourself to keep believing those lies about you not being good enough, you chose to fight, to stand up and help those in need." Mystake's features brightened from her words before briefly placing a hand on the teen's shoulder. "You stayed true to yourself, Cole, and for that reason, the Eternal Dragon's power kept your body from burning up from that green fire."

Cole nodded for a moment, but he still gave a puzzled look. "But, why was I brought here though?"

There was a long pause between him and the old woman. She took a deep inhale while the earth ninja waited for an answer. 

Then, Mystake merely shrugged. "I'm not sure, honestly. Heh, maybe the Eternal Dragon wanted to heal up all your wounds before sending you back to fight... Or maybe the First Spinjitzu Master wanted to give a few words of encouragement like the overly dramatic goof he is," Mystake said before scanning the horizon around her with a squinted gaze. "Where is that overpowered boy, anyway? Gah, always one for the theatrics."

Cole ignored the woman's words while a deep frown fell over his face. Mystake stopped her jabbering when she noticed the earth master's defeated posture.

"What's the matter, young ninja? You're going back to your friends soon. I don't know everything about the Eternal Dragon's plans, but I know he wants you back as soon as possible."

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