Chapter 16 Burning Bridges

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Song Inspiration: You Will Be Found (From: "Dear Evan Hansen")

Artist: Ben Platt, Laura Dreyfuss, Will Roland, Kristolyn Lloyd, and the rest of the original Broadway Cast

(*WARNING! This chapter deals with heavier topics/scenes and presumed deaths. Nothing too graphic, but I am labeling it in the PG-13 range just to be safe.*)



Look what you've done to your sister!

I-I-I didn't m-mean- I'm so-

Go to your room! NOW!


This is the third fight he's gotten in this month!

I'm sure there's an explanation. Are you sure the other kid didn't start the fight fir-

I just sent three students to the hospital for severe burns on their ARMS! I can't keep this quiet anymore. Your nephew is expelled, and the police are on their way now.

NO! Please, He is a good kid. He just can't control his powers-

That's not my problem. Kai is a danger to other students, and he needs to leave. NOW!


Just admit it!

You enjoy hurting other people.

You'll always be a monster, and there's no changing that!

Kai opened his eyes and jolted awake.

The teen shot up from his bed, gasping for air. His body was drenched in sweat while it trembled from the words ringing in his head.

He looked around the room to notice it was nearly pitch black. He could hear the creaking of the ship as it sailed against the mild waves, rocking the whole room back and forth. All the boys were fast asleep in their own beds. Aside from Cole's slight snoring and Jay's murmurs, the place was silent.

After taking a few deep breaths, Kai climbed onto the bunk's ladder and slid to the floor. He carefully walked past the other bunks, cautious of the twitching feline that was curled up in his own bed, and walked out of the room.

He needed some fresh air. The teen made his way onto the ship's deck and scanned the endless sea around him. The ship was lit up by the moonlight, allowing Kai to see almost every inch of the Bounty.

His gaze finally noticed another figure present. Zane was there, leaning against the ship's railing while watching the view. Kai raised an eyebrow when he realized the android was still in his regular clothing, which held a few oil stains now. Kai headed over to the teen and leaned against the railing himself.

"You're still up?" he asked. Zane turned his head towards the newcomer. He paused to take in the hothead's question.

"Yes, Pixal and I have been working on a project for a few hours now. I wanted to take a break for a moment since something was troubling me," Zane explained as he shifted his focus onto the railing and turned his face back to the sea.

"Great, makes two of us then," Kai grumbled while he rested his elbows against wood.

"May I ask what is troubling you?" Zane asked.

"Nope, I'm good. Handling it," Kai answered quickly.

Silence filled the air again as the two watched the slow moving waves hit the ship.

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