Chapter 22 Let the Games... Begin

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Song Inspiration: Everything Stays (From "Adventure Time")

Artist: Olivia Olson

Music Box version: [Music box Cover] Adventure Time - Everything Stays (By: "Musicbox cover" on YouTube)



The Bounty soared high into the air. Past the clouds. Until everything below appeared a speck.

Jay rested his arms against the railing as he stared at the mesh of warm colors bleeding into the early morning sky. The wind ruffled his now curly and wild hair, cooling him off after the intense battle. The cold breeze stung his burning cheeks, which were still hot from tears.

After everything settled, most of the team had no idea what happened. They simply ensured the safety of the Serpentine and helped clean up whatever they could before their general forced the ninja to leave.

When the news of Cole's sacrifice reached everyone, though, a heavy weight settled over their heads. Not much else was said due to the initial shock. Jay didn't even acknowledge that the Bounty was continuing to fly perfectly, despite crashing into the ocean.

As Jay stared at the landmasses below, his thoughts were interrupted by movement behind him. He jerked his head to see Seliel with her dual katanas on her back and Chompy perched on her shoulder. She carried a new helmet under her arm as she let the little dragon jump onto the railing.

"What are you doing?" Jay asked after turning completely around. His concern peaked when he noticed the satchel the ninja had thrown over her shoulders. Seliel refused to look at the lightning master. She set down her helmet and gripped her untamed hair. She tied it into a loose pony tail and ensured there were no loose strands that could fly into her vision.

"Heading to Shintaro to take down Earth Maiden," she said plainly. Jay's eyes widened.

"Whoa, what?" he asked in alarm, stepping towards the phantom ninja.


Jay turned to see Vania rushing towards the duo from below deck. Anger consumed her features as she reached the pink-haired teen.

"You can't just take Chompy and disappear like that! What in the world are you-"

Seliel finally faced her friends. Her eyes were devoid of any color while her mouth formed a deep scowl.

"We can't miss this chance. Earth Maiden's weak right now. We need to act while we can."

"So you were just going to face a powerful elemental master all by yourself!?"

"If we do nothing now, then we'll waste our only real chance to-"

"Seliel, just stop! This plan is crazy. We just barely made it out of that forest alive!" Jay shouted while he stepped in between the two ninja.

"I'm not just going to sit here!" Seliel spat. The raised voices made Chompy jump down from the railing and back away with a soft whimper. Vania inhaled for a second and raised her hands up.

"Please, let's just talk this out before-"

"No! That witch needs to PAY!" Seliel screamed. The phantom ninja heaved a few deep breaths before she dipped her head towards the ground. Vania and Jay watched their friend's body tremble as she tightened her fists until her knuckles turned white. Vania lowered her hands and looked over at the lightning master. Both of them wore their exhaustion right across their face while their moods worsened at the sound of their friend's shaky breaths.

Vania hugged her arms. She turned her gaze to the floorboards below. Her cheeks were raw with how many times she rubbed her sleeves against them, attempting to clean away the pool of tears. She had stepped outside of the hollow tree just in time to see the green flames consume Cole before they switched to orange and then vanished altogether.

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