Chapter 19 Electrifying Truth

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Song Inspiration: Ship in a Bottle

Artist: Fin [Steffan Argus]


"It's the ghost!"

"Men! Prepare the-"

The head guard did not get to finish before the possessed teen charged forward. He used his combined powers to propel himself into the air by shooting blasts from behind his back with his hands.

A wicked smile grew across Kai's pale green face. He laughed as he flew closer towards the head guard at intense speed. The guard watched him in alarm.

Is he insane? Doesn't he know that my armor is made out of-

The head guard's thoughts were cut off when Morro lifted up his legs and used his weight to collide with the man's chest the second his elemental powers vanished. The head guard was shoved several feet away, falling on his back from the impact. He then lifted his head just in time to find Morro landing on his feet right in front of him.

"So you're in charge? Great, now I know who to take my anger out on," Morro said before cracking his knuckles. The head guard grunted in response.

"You really think you can fight your way out of here, ghost?"

Morro dropped his grin when he heard a click behind him. He turned slightly to find three guards holding narrow tubes in their hands that connected to large boxes strapped onto their backs. Kai's eye began to twitch as Morro stared at the bulky contraptions with annoyance.

"You idiots are seriously going to vacuum me up?" he asked. 

"There is nowhere else for you to run. It's over," the head guard said when he stood up. Morro, though, merely shrugged.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that-"

"EVERYONE DOWN!" Earth Maiden screamed before-

There was an enormous crash, making everyone turn their attention back towards the dojo. The guards raced away when a giant Chompy came busting through the front door, taking out an entire wall. 

Morro took this opportunity to run. He spotted Vania using Spinjitzu at any guard that attempted to get too close to the dragon that angrily bulldozed the crowd of armored people. The ghost also noticed several clouds of smoke filling the air, which he suspected was Seliel's doing. 

The smoke created both confusion and cover for the retreating ninja team, but of course, there was a deep rumble in the ground. The ghost knew Cole wasn't to blame because when the ninja reached the edge of the forest, a giant wall of rock blocked their path. Morro spun around to find Earth Maiden zeroing in on the group before charging forward. More guards followed her lead once they too found the ninja and ran with their spears aimed at their targets. 

The ninja split up. Zane and Skylor took the lead, both freezing as many guards as they could, but their stone armor protected most of them from the seemingly impenetrable ice storm. While more of the ninja joined in, Morro focused his attention on Earth Maiden, who was now slowing down to focus on another large attack.

Knowing that the hero was the biggest threat to them, Morro raced after her with an attempt to slow her down. He sent a gust of wind so strong it blew Earth Maiden off her feet and tumbling into the dirt. The ghost planned to keep bouncing her around, so she would be too disoriented to fight-

-But Morro gasped. 

His--Kai's body froze. He had thought the fiery teen was fighting him, but he soon noticed a purple glow that covered him. Every limb shook violently as his gaze noticed a figure in the distance whose hands glowed the same purple hue. Morro recognized the man. He couldn't continue the thought, though, because he suddenly felt like he was being stretched to the breaking point. 

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